Bayley Harding
16 May, 2024
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Dr Sion James, GP & Deputy medical Director for Hywel Dda University Health Board (HDUHB)

Here, Dr Sion James, GP & Deputy medical Director for Hywel Dda University Health Board (HDUHB) talks about the benefits of HealthPathways. HDUHB serves a largely rural community, and as such, faces some unique challenges, such as the availability of services in the area.

Since the onset of COVID, it became increasingly evident that localised national pathways of care were essential. These nationally agreed pathways of care not only serve to increase standardisation and reduce unwarranted variation, but ensure that Primary Care clinicians are kept up to date with live information that reflects not only available service provisions, but changes to policy or referral requirements.


Dr Mickey Jachuck, Consultant Cardiologist & Clinical Director for Thoracic Medicine

Patient management between Primary and Secondary Care providers can often present challenges to due to the variation in opinions, treatment options and diagnosis. With pathways of care collaboratively agreed between Primary and Secondary Care, Dr Mickey Jachuck, Consultant Cardiologist & Clinical Director for Thoracic Medicine, has actively observed how the HealthPathways programme builds relationships between the sectors, and promotes robust and lasting relationships between Primary and Secondary Care clinicians.


Dr Anji Curry, GP & Clinical Director for South Tyneside

Here Dr Anji Curry, GP & Clinical Director for South Tyneside, praises the HealthPathways Community platform and highlights the facility to instantly access clear referral guidelines which reflect local the local reality. Alongside patient signposting information and contact information, the HealthPathways platform ensures confidence and clarity for clinical users. Ultimately, by respecting the time of both the patient and clinician alike, HealthPathways promotes better patient outcomes and reduces the clinical administrative burdens commonplace to Primary Care providers.

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