Green Jumper Day

Green Jumper is all about raising awareness around climate change, it’s about educating the next generation, it’s about planting trees… it’s about raising money to do these things.
On February 26th 2021, Green Jumper Day, put on a jumper, a green one, go to work, to school, to the shops, but expect it to be a little cooler than usual as all involved turn down the heating for the day, to save energy.

On Green Jumper Day, we are asking everyone, school children, politicians and footballers, shopkeepers and shoppers, big business owners and those staying at home, to turn down the thermostat, keep warm in a green jumper, and make a donation to help Green Jumper achieve its goals.

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Stockport County