DeepChain™ helps biotech companies and individuals with the design of new protein molecules to attain novel activity, behavior, or purpose, and to advance basic understanding of protein function. DeepChain achieves that by making calculated variants of a known protein structure and its sequence. It also leverages the power of Deep Language Models applied to proteomics and genomics.
DeepChain™ - AI-Accelerated Protein Design Platform
Explore your protein sequences with AI language models trained on billions of amino acids in minutes, automatically discover new protein designs and validate them with molecular dynamics simulations. All on cloud thanks to GPU clusters. No ML expertise needed. Platform elements:
DeepChain™ Playground
Get the transition probability of any mutation using state of the art language models trained on billions of proteins in seconds thanks to blazing-fast NVIDIA GPUs. Fine tune and discover new designs in minutes.
DeepChain™ AI Designer
Conduct in-silico mutagenesis experiments from protein PDB files. DeepChain's fully autonomous AI Designer will select and deliver sequences with a favourable binding energy profile in less than 24 hours.
DeepChain™ Molecular Dynamics
Cross-validate your favourite sequences in a few hours with full scale, molecular dynamics simulations as well as industry standard tools, 3D visualisations and Jupyter Notebooks.