The programme
Registration, Networking & Breakfast
Registration, Networking & Breakfast
Chairs Opening Address
Governance 360 – the top 10 areas to review in your annual governance cycle.
Al Kingsley
Hampton Academies Trust
The key areas to review as part of your annual governance cycle, from board skills, to the scheme of delegation to evidencing effective challenge. Sharing a few top tips and experience from my roles as chair of Trust boards, schools and an RSC Advisory board member.
"For all schools to be in strong multi-academy trusts"
Ross Bennett
Commercial Director
Engaging Education
Andrew Riches
Inspiring Primaries Academy Trust
How do you create the compelling narrative that ensures your MAT stands out and is recognised as a strong Trust, ready to grow?
Growing a trust through enhancing the Mat Dividend
Matthew Crawford
Embark Federation
Keynote Session
Matt will share how the trust has grown from 7-15 schools over the last 2 years through enhancing the Mat Dividend.
Top Tips to Improve Growth and Operational Efficiency in MATS
Antony Wambua
Product Director
Applicaa Ltd
Antony will launch Applicaa’s powerful CRM which includes powerful functionalities for Admissions, Enrolment and Bursary.
Antony will deliver a product demonstration tailored specifically for Multi-Academy Trusts to show how Applicaa’s CRM will deliver operational efficiency, saving time and money.
Q&A Panel Debate
Morning Break, Networking & Refreshments
Morning Break, Networking & Refreshments
Experiences of Ofsted MAT Summary Evaluations
Owen McColgan
Chief Executive
The Howard Academy Trust
This session will explore experiences of a Trust who have recently had an Ofsted MAT Summary Evaluation in July 2022. We will explore the spotlight areas focussed on by the HMI team, overall format of the evaluation and sessions attended by Trust Leaders and Heads of School.
How to evolve the MAT organisation as it goes from small to large?
Mandy Coalter
Talent Architects
Caroline Cusselle
Head of HR Services
Strictly Education
‘How to evolve the MAT organisation as it goes from small to large’ Caroline and Mandy will be drawing on their experiences of working with many MAT leaders and Trusts of various sizes and stages of growth and also insights from recent research undertaken by Strictly Education’s parent company, Supporting Education Group.
We will focus on the key elements to consider on your growth journey including culture, capacity, leadership, due diligence and your offer to new member schools. Your staff are your greatest asset; recruiting and retaining Talent are critical to success and we will share some of the key people issues to consider as you grow.
The learning outcomes from the seminar will enable you to:
• Understand the importance of people vision, strategy and culture during growth
• See the benefits of building an effective HR operating model and infrastructure
• Understand the importance of great employee engagement and the impact it can make
Let’s cut to the chase… (Workshop Session)
Andrew Riches
Inspiring Primaries Academy Trust
Workshop Session
An opportunity to come together and discuss the questions that are on everybody’s mind, a workshop format in small focus groups.
- Are you a strong Trust?
- What makes a strong trust?
- How do you become a strong trust?
Q&A Panel
Networking & Refreshments Break
Networking & Refreshments Break
How can centralisation help you balance financial sustainability with trust growth?
Tom Kershaw
Education Market Specialist
IRIS Education
Bradley Allan
EdTech Consultant
Budgets are being pushed to the limit. Energy bills are rising, salaries are going up and inflation is soaring. Additionally, pressure on trusts to grow is leaving many feeling overwhelmed.
Centralisation of platforms, data and resources can help. This session explores how a top-down, unified approach can optimise efficiency, save money and support growth.
But what if we can’t grow? (Workshop Session)
Lisa Blatchford
HR Director
Viking Academy Trust
What happens if smaller trusts want to grow but don’t have any room or opportunity for growth?
What are consequences of being in this position now the DfE have published their intention to have a fully trust led system of education by 2030?
How can MATs navigate such circumstances so they can retain their autonomy?
Growth: risk or opportunity? (Panel Discussion)
Jeff Marshall
J&G Marshall Ltd
Clare Collins
Head of Consultancy
Sam Henson (Chair of Panel)
Director of Policy and Information
Clare Collins – Head of Consultancy
Sam Henson – Director of Policy and Information
Closing Address
Close of Day