Intensive care in the digital age

Events for Healthcare

11:00 am
13 Jun, 2023
Virtual Event: GoTo

Intensive care in the digital age

Events for Healthcare

11:00 am
13 Jun, 2023
Virtual Event: GoTo

Intensive care in the digital age

The webinar will explore how Ascom UK is helping hospitals digitalise intensive care.

Prof Tamas Szakmany MBE, Consultant in Adult Intensive Care and Anaesthesia, Aneurin Bevan UHB, will cover the anticipated benefits for clinicians to deliver comprehensive care across multiple departments, and will discuss how challenges can be met and lessons learnt from his experience.

Ascom UK’s senior clinical consultant, Janine Thomas, will cover how stakeholder engagement is integral in the transition from paper to digital development.

This includes understanding different hospital teams’ challenges and requirements, and creating the necessary complementary workflows to provide holistic care.

Headline Sponsor

Key Subjects

The system will also integrate with systems from other suppliers, and it will enable ICU staff to:

  • Record patient assessments electronically
  • Manage prescriptions and drug administration at the bedside
  • Connect with bedside equipment to record vital signs and fluid balance
  • Calculate a patient’s acuity scores
  • Better manage infection control
  • Manage daily care plans
  • Create reports on results and department objectives
  • Support national audit and research needs

Who will Attend

  • ICS
  • Chief Nurse/CNO
  • Critical Care Lead Nurse
  • Critical Care Consultant
  • Clinical lead
  • Intensive Care lead
  • CIO
  • CCIO
  • CNIO
  • Charge Nurse within Critical Care (ICU, PICU, AMU, HDU)
  • Digital lead/Head of Digital, Digital Change Manager
  • Health Infomatics
  • Head of IT
  • Head of Innovation

Sponsors & Partners

The programme


The benefits for clinicians to deliver comprehensive care

Tamas Szakmany, MBE
Consultant in Adult Intensive Care and Anaesthesia
Aneurin Bevan UHB

Tamas Szakmany, MBE, Consultant in Adult Intensive Care and Anaesthesia, Aneurin Bevan UHB: The benefits for clinicians to deliver comprehensive care


How stakeholder engagement is integral in its transition from paper to digital development

Janine Thomas
Senior Clinical Consultant
Ascom UK

Janine Thomas, Senior Clinical Consultant, Ascom UK: How stakeholder engagement is integral in its transition from paper to digital development





Closing Address

Closing Address

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County