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Futuroot is a new generation, cloud-based and business user-focused Process Mining and Process Intelligence platform. Futuroot combines Percipere’s deep strategic business insights and unmatched skills to provide fastest time-to-value. The solution is backed and differentiated by the company’s profound experience in implementing, automating, and optimising ERP systems and enabling Digital Transformation for Fortune 500 organisations.

We strongly believe that any organisation’s automation journey can only be successful if you know what to automate! The journey starts by understanding how your processes are really working and not how you think they are working. Futuroot provides an objective, impersonal and unbiased view of the current state of processes as they happen. It allows you to improve conformance with SOPs and it helps you to identify opportunities to improve efficiencies. The answer for this improvement could be automation or it could be simple process improvement. Either way, you will know exactly what is needed with the objective data to draw your conclusions.

While working with NHS, our aim is to help NHS trusts to clear backlogs as quickly as possible and improve the clinical operational efficiency. Using sample data, we looked at for one of the trusts and we will demonstrate how Futuroot can help in this endeavour. Not only do we show the visualisation of the entire process, but we also help you to measure process conformity and compare processes for different clinics. We can determine and measure KPIs such as average waiting time, patients leaving before being attended to, workforce utilisation etc. All this is done in a non-intrusive way, without requiring long Data analytics projects and with outputs delivered out-of-the-box from Futuroot. Come and see us to learn more on the 10th of November at NHS RPA Live!

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Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County