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Working together, our technologies enable the transfer of data from an emergency call in the control room instantly into the hands of a police officer on the street. When that data is then combined with known historical information about the caller or the address, officers have the potential to determine the threat, risk and harm of each incident and respond exactly as needed.

We’re proud of the impact our technologies are having on the emergency services and the public.

We’re very proud to be part of a company that has 122 years of history in innovation and is built on long-term relationships and tech leadership. NEC has over 64,000 patents and is recognised as a ‘Top 50 Innovative Company’ globally. With 9 research and development labs around the world and various centres of excellence in public safety technologies, its focus is investing in innovation that helps create a safer society.


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Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County