The MAT Growth Conference 2024

Events For Education

08:00 am
03 Oct, 2024
15 Hatfields Conference Centre, London SE1 8DJ

The MAT Growth Conference 2024

Events For Education

08:00 am
03 Oct, 2024
15 Hatfields Conference Centre, London SE1 8DJ

The Mat Growth Conference 2024 – Growing beyond your locality

The conference will feature a variety of keynote sessions, workshops, roundtables, and an end of day panel discussion. Ensuring attendees come away from the conference with tangible guidance and case studies on growing your trust beyond your locality, and how to be the most attractive and high quality trust possible. Tickets are complimentary for education leaders who will have an opportunity to connect with fellow leaders and a select group of sponsors who support MATs with their growth journey. Attending the conference will be MAT leaders and education professionals, to come together and collaborate on how Trusts can grow sustainability and beyond their current locality. We will cover from the very start of the process, onboarding and attracting new schools and academies.

Key Objectives include:

  • Growing your trust beyond your current locality.
  • Branding your trust as a 'high quality trust'.
  • Economies of scale when growing your trust.
  • Onboarding and getting 'buy in' to your shared values and vision.
  • People strategy when working across multiple locations.
  • Please ensure you have registered your space for 2024 as we have sold out our previous editions.

Key Subjects

  • Growing your trust beyond your current locality.
  • Branding your trust as a 'high quality trust'.
  • Economies of scale when growing your trust.
  • Onboarding and getting 'buy in' to your shared values and vision.
  • People strategy when working across multiple locations.
  • Please ensure you have registered your space for 2024 as we have sold out our previous editions.
  • Strategies to improving your collaboration across the Trust

Who will Attend

  • CEOs
  • Deputy CEOs
  • CFOs
  • COOs
  • Directors of Finance
  • Directors of Governance
  • Executive Headteachers
  • Directors of Learning
  • HR Directors
  • Finance Leads
  • School improvement leads
  • Trustees
  • Chairs

Sponsors & Partners

The programme


Registration, Networking & Breakfast

Registration, Networking & Breakfast


Chairs Welcoming Address

Chairs Welcoming Address


Panel Discussion - "Setting the scene, what's next for Trusts and growing?

Emily Verow
Three Spires Trust

This panel discussion to kickstart the day will feature panellists from MATs and Organisations, this discussion will set the scene for the rest of the day and address "where are we, here and now?"


Keynote Session - EPM (Confirmed)

This session is reserved and will be hosted by EPM, headline partner of MATA.


Keynote Session - Ethical MAT Growth

Emily Verow
Three Spires Trust

Growing a Multi Academy Trust through purposeful collaboration with like-minded leaders to cultivate the best practices that serve communities and beyond.  Growth which pivots on a shared educational ambition and philosophy occurs organically; Three Spires Trust has grown by aligning organisations who share the vision for Education to be truly relevant to the twenty- first century.


Keynote Session – Apetito (Confirmed)

This session is reserved and will be hosted by Apetito.


Morning Break, Networking and Refreshments

Morning Break, Networking and Refreshments


Keynote Session

This slot is reserved for a MAT's speaking session.


Keynote Session - Baily Garner (Confirmed)

This slot is reserved and will be hosted by Baily Garner.


Keynote Session

This slot is reserved for a MAT's speaking session.


Keynote Session - How do you position your organisation for growth, both internally and externally and create the narrative of a ‘High quality Trust’? (Confirmed)

Ross Bennett
Commercial Director
Engaging Education
Andrew Riches
IPAT Multi Academy Trust

Keynote Session - Engaging Education

In this session we will look at the challenges and opportunities ahead and give you the tools to ensure your Trust has the edge. We will also look at how your Trust vision can inspire staff, children, and other stakeholders through innovative, and effective communication strategies.


Lunch and Networking Break

Lunch and Networking Break


Keynote Session - Connecting Your Trust: Why a Telecoms Strategy is Essential (Confirmed)

Phil Allum
Managing Director
TGE Solutions

Keynote Session - TGE Solutions

The presentation will be delivered by TGE Solutions, the UK’s leading provider of Audit and Procurement services to the Education Sector, specialising in Telecoms, IT and Broadband.

Discover how a strategic approach to telecoms can lead to significant cost reductions, improved communications and simplified management.

You’ll receive advice on building a telecoms strategy, different approaches that Trusts can take and how to procure the right phone system for your Trust. Additionally, you’ll learn some common mistakes that Trusts make and how to avoid them.


Workshop Session

This slot is reserved for a MAT leader to deliver a workshop session to conclude the day.


Complimentary Drinks Reception & Canapes

Complimentary Drinks Reception & Canapes


End of Day

End of Day

Your Pass Includes....

  • Multiple live keynote presentations
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Refreshments included
  • Meet the supplier sessions.
  • Networking opportunity
  • Live Q&A sessions with all speakers on the day.

Tickets for Education Leaders

We have an invite only option for Education Leaders for our conference, to see if you qualify for a complimentary place please click the button below.

Register your place

Book tickets

Private Sector (In-Person)
£500.00 excl VAT
Unlimited Places
Trust / Education Leader Ticket (Complimentary)
£0.00 No VAT
Limited Places

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County
Convenzis Healthcare Event testimonials


Thank you once again for allowing us to exhibit and present directly in the afternoon to the MATs attending. I know it was a lovely day but weather aside it felt wonderful to be back face to face and your conference was so friendly and inviting. I could see the hard work everyone was doing to make it so successful

Department For Education

“the whole event was really well organised and the choice of speakers and the range of topics were of excellent quality.
As a supplier, it was great to gain insight to understand the issues and concerns when considering growing or merging MATs, where the priorities are focused and the key learnings for those CEOs who have gone through the journey.
I would recommend attending a future Convenzis conference or event, as the quality was first class.”

Education Buying

The National MAT Conference was a great first show for us and produced a number of quality lead opportunities.

Quality of the attendees/delegates was great. The Convenzis team were professional and approachable throughout, and special thanks to Daniel for helping us swap stand positions to incorporate the SMART IFP.

Conversations with the MAT delegates who attended our stand on the day were positive and it was good to understand where they were currently in their Digital transformation journey post-pandemic.

A really positive great show. Our partner, Elementary Technology Ltd, also concurred that the quality of the delegates that attended were the right people and those key decision-makers.


“We were impressed by the excellent session line-up and quality of the audience. The team at Convenzis are friendly and were always on hand to help in the run-up. We’re looking forward to the MAT Growth & Merger Conference in October.”

The Key

“The MAT Growth & Merger Conference was a well organised, high-quality event that we thoroughly enjoyed being involved at. The team were professional and friendly, always available to help with our requests. The speakers and audience seniority was excellent, we look forward to continuing to be a part of Convenzis events in the future!”

The Safeguarding Company