4th NHS Continuing Healthcare Conference

Primary & Community Care

4th NHS Continuing Healthcare Conference

Primary & Community Care

10:00 am
11 Jul, 2024
Virtual Event: GoTo

Job titles includes

Senior Clinical Commissioning Manager (CHC)

CHC Clinical Lead

CHC & IRP Senior Manager

Patient Pathway Coordinator

IHC Contract Manager

Deputy Head of AACC

Lead nurse for Individualised Care

Deputy Director of Nursing

Head of Service for Continuing Healthcare

Programme Director


Delegates Registered

Organisations Involved

Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust

NHS North West London Integrated Care Board

North East London Foundation Trust

North East Commissioning Support Unit

NW London ICB

South East London ICB

Kent and Medway ICB

North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS FT

Timeliness and Importance of Event:

As the landscape of healthcare continues to evolve, understanding and navigating the complexities of NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) is essential.

The NHS CHC Virtual Conference is a timely and crucial event designed to bring together professionals, policymakers, and stakeholders to delve into the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in the realm of CHC. With recent policy changes and ongoing discussions surrounding healthcare funding and provision, this summit provides a platform for insightful discussions and collaborative solutions.

Current Landscape:

The landscape of NHS Continuing Healthcare is multifaceted, encompassing policy changes, legal considerations, financial implications, and most importantly, the impact on patients and their families. Recent developments in the NHS have brought CHC to the forefront, with a focus on improving access, streamlining assessment processes, and ensuring fair and equitable provision of care.

However, challenges such as funding constraints, varying interpretations of eligibility criteria, and disparities in service provision persist. This conference aims to address these issues head-on by fostering dialogue, sharing best practices, and exploring innovative approaches to enhance the CHC landscape.

Key Subjects:

  1. Policy Updates and Regulatory Changes: Explore the latest policy changes and regulatory updates affecting NHS Continuing Healthcare, including the NHS Long Term Plan and its implications for CHC provision.
  2. Assessment and Eligibility Criteria: Delve into the intricacies of CHC assessment processes, eligibility criteria, and best practices for ensuring fair and consistent evaluations.
  3. Patient-Centred Care: Discuss strategies for delivering patient-centred care within the CHC framework, including the role of multidisciplinary teams, care planning, and holistic support services.
  4. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Examine the legal and ethical aspects of CHC, including challenges related to decision-making, capacity assessments, and safeguarding vulnerable individuals.
  5. Financial Sustainability: Address the financial sustainability of CHC provision, exploring funding models, budgetary constraints, and opportunities for optimising resource allocation.
  6. Collaborative Partnerships: Highlight the importance of collaborative partnerships between healthcare providers, local authorities, third-sector organisations, and advocacy groups in delivering integrated CHC services.

Why Attend:

  • Insightful Presentations: Gain valuable insights from leading experts, policymakers, and practitioners through keynote presentations, panel discussions, and interactive workshops.
  • Practical Strategies: Acquire practical strategies, tools, and resources to enhance your understanding of CHC processes, navigate challenges, and improve outcomes for patients and their families.
  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: Stay informed about the latest developments, trends, and emerging issues in NHS Continuing Healthcare to remain at the forefront of your field.
  • Influence Policy and Practice: Engage in meaningful discussions and debates that shape the future of CHC policy, practice, and service delivery, contributing to positive change at local, regional, and national levels.

The NHS CHC Summit is a must-attend event for anyone involved in the delivery, commissioning, or oversight of NHS Continuing Healthcare services, offering a unique platform to learn, collaborate, and drive innovation in this critical area of healthcare provision.

Key Subjects

  • Policy Updates and Regulatory Changes
  • Assessment and Eligibility Criteria
  • Patient-Centred Care
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations
  • Financial Sustainability
  • Collaborative Partnerships

Who will Attend

  • Clinical Commissioning Manager
  • Continuing Healthcare Assessor
  • Care Coordinator
  • Clinical Governance Lead
  • Service Development Manager
  • NHS Trust Director
  • Patient Experience Officer
  • Policy Advisor
  • Commissioning Support Officer
  • Quality Improvement Manager
  • Clinical Lead Nurse
  • Finance Manager (NHS)
  • Healthcare Integration Specialist
  • Legal Advisor (Healthcare)
  • Commissioning Manager (Mental Health)
  • Clinical Audit Coordinator
  • Safeguarding Lead
  • Social Care Manager
  • NHS Liaison Officer
  • Health and Wellbeing Coordinator

Sponsors & Partners

The programme


Chairs Opening Address

Chairs Opening Address


Keynote Presentation - How an ICB clinical in reach team transformed patient flow and achieved person-centred solutions for patients being discharged from hospital (Confirmed)

Mr Daniel Monie
Assistant Director of Complex Care - Professional Lead for Adult CHC
North Central London ICB

I set up a pilot in late 2022 with 2 nurses which was rolled out to 5 hospitals with 11 nurses in spring 2023. The benefits of the project were to accelerate system flow, reduce costs and deliver person-centred care. The ICB has now agreed for a substantive team of in reach nurses from September 2024 because of the substantial benefits achieved.


Case Study - IEG4

Case Study - IEG4


Keynote Presentation - Collaborative Partnerships: How working together improves patient, stakeholder & staff experience (Confirmed)

Rachel Melton
Deputy Associate Director All Age Continuing Care & Individual Patient Activity
Lancashire & South Cumbria ICB

This presentation will discuss how collaborative partnerships can enhance the CHC experience & pathway.


Case Study - Access

Case Study - Access


Keynote Presentation - Understanding the NICU (Nature, Intensity, Complexity and Unpredictability) (Confirmed)

Lesley Broom
Head of Service Continuing Healthcare
Whittington Health NHS Trust

Writing a good recommendation and fully understanding what is meant by NICU is key to success, as an individual practitioner, as an organisation and as NHSE.

This presentation will assist practitioners in really understanding NICU and write a robust, unchallengeable recommendation.


Case Study - CHS

Case Study - CHS 


Keynote Presentation - Alex Ruck Keene, Barrister, Visiting Professor at the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London (Invited)

Navigating Legal Waters: Ethical Considerations and Safeguarding in CHC

Delving into the ever-changing legal and ethical dimensions of Continuing Healthcare, this session will tackle challenges surrounding decision-making, capacity assessments, and safeguarding vulnerable individuals, providing attendees with indispensable insights to navigate complex legal landscapes effectively.


End of Day

End of Day

Book tickets

Private Sector (Virtual)
£126.99 excl VAT
Unlimited Places
Charity, Not for Profit and University (Virtual)
£99.00 excl VAT
Unlimited Places
Free NHS Ticket
£0.00 No VAT
Limited Places

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County