Innovating through Demand: NHS Productivity Virtual Conference

Events for Healthcare

11:00 am
07 Oct, 2020
Virtual Event: GoTo

Innovating through Demand: NHS Productivity Virtual Conference

Events for Healthcare

11:00 am
07 Oct, 2020
Virtual Event: GoTo

Innovating through Demand: NHS Productivity Virtual Conference

Within the NHS Long Term Plan, NHS England set out a goal of achieving at least a 1.1% increase in productivity over each of the next five years with a particular focus on improving efficiencies in staffing, estates, equipment, etc. But there’s a limit to what you can do with those resources, and that’s where increased productivity can have its benefits.

The recent announcement of NHS debt being wiped will provide the perfect window of opportunity to assess current procedures and invest in improving the productivity and efficiency of both patient-facing and back-office protocol within a secondary care setting.

NHS Long-Term Plan, key areas of focus include:

  • A drive to reduce administrative costs
  • Reducing absence due to stress and mental health
  • Improving procurement
  • Reducing the number of clinically ineffective treatments
  • Capping spending on agency staff

We are all still working in uncertain times and have had to access our procedures, join us as we open the debate on NHS Productivity and share some national best practices and policy updates in a relaxed and highly interactive manner.

Our Innovating through Demand: NHS Productivity Virtual Conference will provide you with:

  • High-value guest presentations
  • Meet the provider presentations and workshops
  • Round table streams
  • Networking
  • Prize draws
  • Much more!

Register your place today for Innovating through Demand: NHS Productivity Virtual Conference to ensure you don’t miss out!

Research sources for Innovating through Demand: NHS Productivity Virtual Conference: Kings Fund, NHS England, BBC news, Healthtechnews

As our journey through the world of virtual conferences and networking continues, we have made changes to our hosting platform with the aim of providing a more streamlined and interactive experience for delegates.

We will now be hosting our virtual event series via the GoToWebinair platform.

As mentioned this decision has been made with delegates at the forefront of our thinking, further details on using the platform and joining your chosen event will be disclosed in the not too distant future.

Innovating through Demand: NHS Productivity Virtual Conference

Who will Attend

  • Chairs
  • Chief Executives
  • Chief Nurses/Directors of Nursing
  • Clinical Commissioning Group Members
  • Clinical Directors/Leaders
  • Commercial Directors/Managers
  • Contracts Directors/Managers
  • Director/Heads of Workforce and HR
  • Director/Heads of Operations
  • Directors /Heads of Finance
  • Directors/Heads of Commissioning/Procurement
  • Directors/Heads of Efficiency and Productivity
  • Directors/Heads of Organisational Development
  • Directors/Heads of Patient Engagement
  • Directors/Heads of Policy
  • Directors/Heads of Service Transformation
  • Directors/Heads of Staff Engagement/Training/HR
  • Directors/Heads of Strategy and Transformation
  • Estates and Facilities Directors/Managers
  • Finance Directors
  • Head of Commissioning Support Units
  • Improvement Programme Managers/Directors
  • NHS Trust Directors and Senior Managers
  • Operations/Performance Directors
  • Pharmacy Directors and Heads of Medicines Management
  • Service Improvement Directors

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Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Stockport County