Managing Demand Through Crisis: The Virtual Primary Care Tech Conference

Primary care, Mental Health & Long-Term Care

10:50 am
14 Oct, 2020
Virtual Event: GoTo

Managing Demand Through Crisis: The Virtual Primary Care Tech Conference

Primary care, Mental Health & Long-Term Care

10:50 am
14 Oct, 2020
Virtual Event: GoTo

Managing Demand Through Crisis: The Virtual Primary Care Tech Conference

If 2020 has taught us anything it is that in times of crisis the public sector's ability to innovate and completely rewrite processes had been underestimated, in particular, the NHS primary care sector has been particularly fast-acting, providing remote consulting services across the UK within a matter of weeks and event in some cases using virtual and augmented reality to consult and treat patients.

We hope our Managing Demand Through Crisis: The Virtual Primary Care Tech Conference will help to showcase this amazing achievement and provide a platform to engage with the NHS and Commercial innovators that made it happen!

In a challenging financial environment, Digital Technology is improving the quality of care by enhancing the patients’ experience of services, but also enabling the practice to realise efficiency benefits such as a reduced administrative burden.

Research sources for Managing Demand Through Crisis: The Virtual Primary Care Tech Conference: NHS Digital, NHS England, Kingsfund, NHSX

As our journey through the world of virtual conferences and networking continues, we have made changes to our hosting platform with the aim of providing a more streamlined and interactive experience for delegates.

We will now be hosting our virtual event series via the GoToWebinair platform.

As mentioned this decision has been made with delegates at the forefront of our thinking, further details on using the platform and joining your chosen event will be disclosed in the not too distant future.

Key Subjects

Our Managing Demand Through Crisis: The Virtual Primary Care Tech Conference will take delegates on an interactive journey through the world of primary care IT transformation and digital technology, we will be focusing on some key policy areas including;

The GP IT Futures programme: The GP IT Futures programme is a critical enabler for taking primary care towards the requirements set out in the NHS Long Term Plan, the five-year framework for GP contract reform and the Digital, Data and Technology Vision

Digital, Data and Technology Vision: This document sets out the government’s vision for the use of technology, digital and data within health and care, to meet the needs of all our users

GP Connect: GP Connect is a service that will allow GP practices and authorised clinical staff to share and view GP practice clinical information and data between IT systems, quickly and efficiently

IM1 Pairing integration: Pairing integration is the process that allows any supplier to integrate their system with any principal clinical system through an interface mechanism.

Digital First Primary Care: NHS England is supporting primary care to move towards a digital-first approach, where patients can easily access the advice, support and treatment they need using digital and online tools

Who will Attend

  • Chief Executives
  • Chief Operating Officers
  • Clinical Directors/Heads/Managers/Leads
  • Commissioning Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Deputy Directors
  • Directors of Performance and Improvement
  • IT Directors/Heads/Managers
  • GPs
  • GP Commissioners
  • Medical Directors
  • Operations Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Public Health Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Practice Managers
  • Procurement Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Service Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Strategic Planning Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Transformation Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Urgent Care Directors/Heads/Managers

Sponsors & Partners


Your Pass Includes....

If you are interested in the improvement of Primary Care back office, IT infrastructure, and patient-facing digital technology then this is the event for you.

Our virtual events provide the following benefits for attendees;

  • High-value guest speaker sessions
  • Meet the supplier networking and round tables
  • Interactive networking
  • Q&A sessions
  • Downloadable content
  • Prize giveaways

Register your place today to avoid missing out.

Tickets For NHS Senior Managers

We have an invite only option for NHS Senior Managers for our conference, to see if you qualify for a complimentary place please click the button below.

Register your place

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Stockport County