NHS Artificial Intelligence Virtual Congress
What is Artificial Intelligence?
“Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be summarised as an intelligent system that has problem-solving skills and takes the best possible action in a given situation”
April 2019 saw the development of NHSX which was developed to support the NHS in becoming the world's most technically advised healthcare provider, the organisation brings together some of the most well recognised and celebrated digital, cyber and data experts from across the world.
NHSX has now partnered with the Accelerated Access Collaborative to outline a strategic plan for the implementation of AI within the NHS, the key plan aims to include:
- Improve cancer screening and speed up results
- Use DNA data to identify patients most at risk of diseases
- Upskill the workforce to use artificial intelligence (AI) systems
- Automate routine administrative tasks to free up clinicians
In recent months we have seen a significant increase in AI-related systems being used in the health service, At the start of the year, AI was used for the first time to instantly and accurately measure blood flow, helping to predict the chances of death, heart attacks and strokes.
Also, an AI platform is being used to help lead the fight against antibiotic resistance by helping NHS clinicians prescribe the most appropriate antibiotic for each individual patient.
As a part of the Convenzis Group Virtual Series, we will be hosting the UK’s first, fully virtual NHS Artificial Intelligence Conference, we will hear from some of the leading AI experts in the UK and further afield while networking and sharing best practices throughout the day.
The NHS Artificial Intelligence Virtual will offer:
- Guest speaker sessions
- Round table streams
- Exhibition areas
- Fully immersive peer to peer networking
- Live polls and Q&A sessions
- + Much more!
Register your place today for a front-row seat through the world of Healthcare Artificial Intelligence and the future of NHS care.
Research sources for NHS Artificial Intelligence Virtual: NHS England, DigitalHealth.net, NECS
We are advising ALL attendees to attend the event via personal laptop or mobile device (Non-NHS Device)
We have noticed that NHS Devices are making it more difficult to view event content.
To maximise the chances of viewing content:
- Attend via a NON-NHS Device
- Attend the event via the Convenzis APP (where possible)
- Connect via your personal WI-FI (NON-NHS)
- Attend the online platform via the google chrome web browser