Revolutionising General Practice: The Virtual Remote Consulting Conference

Events for Healthcare

10:30 am
08 Sep, 2020
Virtual Event: GoTo

Revolutionising General Practice: The Virtual Remote Consulting Conference

Events for Healthcare

10:30 am
08 Sep, 2020
Virtual Event: GoTo

Revolutionising General Practice: The Virtual Remote Consulting Conference

As stated in the Using Online Consultations in Primary Care Implementation Toolkit:

“We have an opportunity to revolutionise General Practice. Online consultations implemented inclusively, as part of a comprehensive primary care service, can enhance the experience of care for patients and support general practice in managing time and workloads, improving both access and sustainability.”

By now, we are all too aware that the recent outbreak of COVID-19 is placing unprecedented strain on the NHS and will continue to do so over the coming months. Digital and technology solutions have a crucial role to play in the NHS Response, with telephone, video, and online tools helping the NHS to provide safe and effective care while reducing face-to-face appointments. The effective deployment of video consultation tools in secondary, as well as primary, care will help not only to minimise the risk of transmitting COVID-19 but can also enable clinical staff to care for patients from home should they need to.

Teams from across NHS England/ Improvement and NHSX have now created an interactive toolkit that provides a view of what to think about before, during, and after the implementation of remote consulting services. It shares case studies and evidence to help you tailor your implementation journey and support you in going further faster and more successfully.

Key toolkit aims:
1. To focus on people, not technology. Adopting the tools alone will not transform care; they must be combined with a new way of working
2. Share good practice underpinned by evidence and professional guidance
3. Describe critical success factors for making the most of innovative technology
4. Bring to life the opportunity. Case studies enable you to learn directly from practices with practical advice about what works
5. Help practices build connections with peers, learn collaboratively and join a virtual learning platform
6. Support progress towards delivering the requirements of the GMS contract, Network contract DES and the vision of the Long-Term Plan We invite you to adapt this toolkit to develop your local plans.

Our 2nd Revolutionising General Practice: Remote Consulting virtual conference will open the debate on primary care remote consulting and provide a unique opportunity to meet with peers/ sector-leading speakers and commercial thought leaders, all from your front room!

Don’t forget to register your complimentary NHS pass today for Revolutionising General Practice!

We are advising ALL attendees to attend the event via personal laptop or mobile device (Non-NHS Device)

We have noticed that NHS Devices are making it more difficult to view event content.

To maximise the chances of viewing content:

  • Attend via a NON-NHS Device
  • Attend the event via the Convenzis APP (where possible)
  • Connect via your personal WI-FI (NON-NHS)
  • Attend the online platform via the google chrome web browser

Who will Attend

  • Chief Executives
  • Chief Medical Officers
  • Chief Operating Officers
  • Clinical Directors/Heads/Managers/Leads
  • Commissioning Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Deputy Directors
  • Directors of Delivery
  • Directors of Nursing
  • Directors of Performance and Improvement
  • IT Directors/Heads/Managers
  • GPs
  • GP Commissioners
  • Medical Directors
  • Operations Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Public Health Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Practice Managers
  • Procurement Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Service Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Social Services Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Strategic Planning Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Transformation Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Urgent Care Directors/Heads/Managers

Sponsors & Partners

The programme


Registration and Networking


The Human Effect of medicine – is it important and if it is what is the impact of remote consultation?

David Kenrick
St Thomas Medical Group
The Human Effect of medicine – is it important and if it is what is the impact of remote consultation? Ill-health has three components: The disease or pathological process; the illness – the personal experience of unhealth and psychological attitude to the disease; and the sickness – a public status that is negotiated with society. The placebo effect clearly demonstrates the potential of factors that do not act directly on the disease process. This session will explore the therapeutic benefit of human interaction and the potential impact of remote consultation.


Remote Consultations & Virtual Clinics

Dr. Vijay Magon
Managing Director & Founder
CCube Solutions
Remote Consultations & Virtual Clinics Coronavirus is a national threat; we need to adapt new ways to minimise its spread, avoid non-essential contact, stop unnecessary travel, and reduce face-to-face contact to protect patients and staff. Remote consultations and Virtual Clinics are viewed as crucial for reducing unnecessary outpatient visits, saving time and money for patients and the health service.


Networking and Panel Discussions



Dr Robert Hendry
Medical Director
Medical Proctection
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the rapid adoption of technologies that allow doctors to interact with their patients remotely. These changes to the way doctors and patients interact bring many advantages, but uncertainty about accountabilities and responsibilities. This session will consider the emerging medicolegal issues relating to telemedicine and remote consulting. The challenges faced by regulators and legislators will be discussed. In addition some safeguards and risk prevention strategies will be shared.


Chronic disease management – online

Dr Lorenz Kemper
We will take a look at how MedLink arrives in your patient’s hands and how it arrives back at the practice. We will cover how it allows high-quality longterm condition management to continue whilst improving efficiency and reducing footfall.


Networking and Panel Discussions


Health information apps: what are they, and how can they support your patients and your work?

Dr Knut Schroeder
GP, Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in General Practice
University of Bristol and Health Information App Developer
Health information apps: what are they, and how can they support your patients and your work?


Remote Video Patient Consultations

Colin Rhodes
Remote Video Patient Consultations Flabba enables clinicians to consult with their patients without them needing to leave their home. The presentation will show the main features; Virtual Waiting rooms, Scheduling & Booking, 1-Way Video Triage Consultations, 2-Way Video & Telephony Consultations, Presistent Documen Management, Recording & Secure collaboratin with colleagues for 2nd opinions, Reporting.


Networking and Panel Discussions


Discussing innovative medical devices and tools available to potentially aid clinical examination during virtual consultations

Dr Belinda Coker
Chief Medical Officer, GP, Consulting and Digital Health
Dr Belinda Coker will discuss devices available on the market that the patient can use during virtual consultations with their GP to facilitate co-assessment and examination. Could such devices potentially provide greater reassurance and safety during virtual consultations? Could they help minimise the requirement for an in-person visit? Learning outcomes • Discuss relevant Medical Devices on the market that patients can use for assessment and examination in their home • Potential opportunities and limitations


Asthma and COPD remote screening and targeted follow up.

Fiona McDonald
Digital Clinical Champion/Clinical Advisor
NHS England
Catherine McShane
Project manager – Health Call
County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
Using validated screening questionnaires for both asthma and COPD offers the opportunity for General Practice to redefine remote screening and targeted healthcare. Patients are sent a link to the Asthma Control Test or the COPD Assessment Test (CAT), where scores determine the stability of the patient’s condition or identify the need for further targeted follow up via video call.


End of Day

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County