Standardised pathways - reducing waiting and improving experience for patients

Patient Flow & Pathways

Standardised pathways - reducing waiting and improving experience for patients

Patient Flow & Pathways

12:00 pm
10 Jul, 2024
Virtual Event: GoTo

Job titles includes

Clinical Director

Divisional Director

Head of SCC

Head of Electives and Diagnostics

Director of Delivery

Operations Director of Patient Services

Director of Integrated Medicine

Head of Delivery

Delegates Registered

Organisations Involved

NHS Greater Manchester

Medway Foundation Trust

Guys and St Thomas' NHSFT

Wirral University Hospital NHS FT

NHS England

Leeds Teaching Hospitals

Barts NHS healthcare trust

North East London NHS Foundation Trust

Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust

With systems across the UK battling with long and growing elective waiting lists, this webinar will provide an opportunity to hear how the development of standardised pathways is supporting the management of care in the community in some systems across England and Wales.

Dr Alastair Roeves (National Clinical Lead for Primary Care & Community Services, NHS Wales) has overseen the adoption of HealthPathways across the whole of the country, with standardised national pathways being in place across all of its Health Boards.

Alastair will be joined by colleagues from NHS South Tyneside and Sunderland Foundation Trust who will share their experience of being the vanguard for this approach in the Northern hemisphere. Dr Mickey Jachuck (Clinical Director for Cardiac and Thoracic medicine) will detail the impact he has witnessed on referral numbers and quality as a result of their local implementation.

The panel will discuss national and local challenges in relation to reducing waiting lists and identify additional benefits seen in their systems beyond the numbers.

The Webinar will take an informal ‘in discussion with’ approach, with attendees encouraged to participate and interact with panel members through the submissions of questions throughout the session.

The programme


Webinar Introduction and Housekeeping

Webinar Introduction and Housekeeping


Introduction to the Chair and the panel

Introduction to the Chair and the panel


Introduction to the session and overview of the programme and its findings

Introduction to the session and overview of the programme and its findings


Personal reflections from South Tyneside programme

Personal reflections from South Tyneside programme


Introduction to the AW programme

Introduction to the AW programme


Q&A Panel

Q&A Panel


Close of Webinar

Close of Webinar

Book tickets

Private Sector (Virtual)
£126.99 excl VAT
Unlimited Places
Charity, Not for Profit and University (Virtual)
£99.00 excl VAT
Unlimited Places
Free NHS Ticket
£0.00 No VAT
Limited Places

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County