Speaker Personal

Dr Alastair Roeves

National Clinical Lead for Primary Care & Community Care for Wales National Clinical Lead for Health & Care Pathways
NHS Wales

Alastair Roeves is the National Clinical Lead for Health & Care Pathways programme in Wales, working in the Strategic Programme for Planned Care, NHS Executive. Alastair was among the first to champion the HealthPathways programme across Wales and was instrumental in the procurement process. He now oversees the programme’s development and implementation across the country, and as a GP, he is excited to see HealthPathways become a vehicle for change and progress within NHS Wales. He is also the National Clinical Lead for Primary Care & Community Services, focussing on governance, data and whole-system thinking.

He qualified as a GP in 1995 and became a partner in Tower Hamlets, then in Newport, Gwent. He has been an honorary lecturer at Cardiff University and held several medical management roles including cluster lead in Newport West, clinical director in Aneurin Bevan UHB, and AMD for Primary Care & Community Services in Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB, where he was also interim Executive Medical Director. Additionally, while working for the Chief Medical Officer, he was a developmental lead of the Welsh Government’s National Clinical Framework (March 2021), which is now being used for planning and delivery of clinical services in NHS Wales.

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