I live in Storrington West Sussex with my wife, son, dog, 2 cats and 3 chickens. I enjoy spending time on the South Downs when we have some nice weather which can help to unwind after a long week.

I have been working for the Surrey CHC team for 5 years. Over this period as a team we have worked hard to modernise the service moving from a primarily paper based system to a paper-lite, and now, fully digital system. This was helpful when lockdown caused our team to leave the office and set up shop in our own homes, as it has meant that the backbone required to work remotely was already in place.

Within the team I am responsible for process design, innovation, quality assurance, data analysis and direct management of a large portion of our administrative team. I have been working closely with our social care colleagues to fully mobilise the use of virtual assessments for both Scheme 1 and Scheme 2 D2a.