Speaker Personal

Barry Moult

IG Privacy Consultant / Founder
IG Privacy Ltd Consultancy

Originally from Stoke on Trent and started nurse training in the RAF in the early 1970

In 2000 he became the Data Protection Officer at West Suffolk Hospital.
Founded and has chaired the Eastern Region IG Forum since 2003. The forum has approx. 200 membership from Eastern Region and nationally. 45/50 attend the meetings held in Cambridge.

Former Chair of the NHS National Strategical Information Governance Network (SIGN) group. (2015 – 2018)

Head of IG and Health Records at 2 Acute Trusts in Suffolk & Essex. September 2017 – July 2018 on secondment to the local STP looking at information sharing and GDPR for Health & Social Care.

Key note speaker at national conferences, with a down to earth pragmatic approach Data Protection/IG. Chair the Excellence in Health Care Conferences.

Presently delivering training for BLS (stay Compliant). HealthCare – UK. (Caldicott Guardian, Senior Information Risk Owner, Data Protection, Freedom of Information and other bespoke training)

Two notable awards given in 2020. The ICO Excellence in Data Protection 2020 and IRMS Life Time Achievement Award.

At present working as a Data Protection Consultant and DPO for a number of organisations providing Information Governance support, DSPT submission, gap analysis, audit and training.

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Manchester Bee
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Living Wage Member
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Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County