Speaker Personal

Carol Colligan

Infection Control Manager / Decontamination Lead
NHS Shetland

I graduated with a Bachelor of Nursing Degree with commendation from Glasgow University in 1986 and was appointed as a staff nurse to A&E/ Theatres in the Gilbert Bain Hospital in Shetland. Following promotion to the junior then senior sister roles in these departments I was seconded to the Sterile Services Unit in 2004 to achieve accreditation to the Medical Device Directive/ ISO 13485.  This was achieved in 2005 with NHS Shetland being the first of the Island Boards to do so. I was awarded a PG Diploma in Medical Device Decontamination in 2009 following completion of this course at UHI.

Since then I have continued to work for NHS Shetland as Operational Manager for A&E/ Theatres/CDU before being appointed as Assistant Director for Planned Care. I have been the ICM/ Decon Lead for NHS Shetland since 2014.  Working in such a remote location means multi-tasking and I am also the Lead Nurse for Air Ambulance Transfers, a TRiM practitioner and a Confidential Contact for Whistleblowing. I also provide on call support out of hours for Air Ambulance, Public Health, the Forensic Examination Service (SARC) and Silver Command as Hospital Manager, altogether not the routine CDU Manager post!

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