Speaker Personal

Denise Hylton-Mcintosh

Head of Patient Safety
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

Denise is currently the Head of Patient Safety at Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust. Transformation and Quality improvement are always at the forefront of her mind, actively seeking ways to optimise support for staff and the delivery of safe patient care. She has successfully implemented a more robust Deteriorating Patient Pathway including the use of NEWS2 and PEWS scoring tools. The progress of this work was presented externally at the KSS Deteriorating Patient Collaborative.

In addition to this work, Denise has supported other projects including working with the Nursing Academy and delivering teaching sessions for Nursing students. Denise is a member of the Community of Practice Collaborative group (Governed local CCG), London and the South East Patient Safety Clinical Risk Network, and KSS Deteriorating Patient Collaborative (AHSN). Denise is also a Patient Safety Specialist for the Trust and a QSIR Practitioner.

Denise started her career at University College London Hospital, working in acute medicine and ambulatory care (urgent care). Her passion for patient care and transformation led to further opportunities at UCLH. Always the visionary Denise whilst working in another acute setting, Denise, took part in the Royal College of Psychiatrist Quality Marker for Elderly Friendly Hospital Wards which the award was successfully achieved.

Quality improvement has been instrumental in creating the required learning culture and the delivery of sustainable improvements.

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