Consultant Clinical Psychologist
National High Secure Healthcare Service for Women, Rampton Hospital
Dr Jessica Lewis is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the National High Secure Healthcare Service for Women, Rampton Hospital, where she has worked for 13 years. In 2018 she became the Clinical Lead for the National Women’s Outreach Service (NWOS), a multi-disciplinary team who have provided support and advice to services throughout the women’s secure estate on the management of violence and severe self harm. In particular the service has considerable experience in the safe and ethical use of restrictive interventions such as seclusion, long term segregation and mechanical restraint.
Dr Lewis has worked within forensic settings for 25 years and during that time has developed a specialist interest in a range of areas including trauma informed services, formulation, reflective practice, Schema Therapy, management of self harm, forensic learning disability services, forensic PICU and the safe & ethical implementation of restrictive interventions, particularly mechanical restraint. She co-authored Elcock S & Lewis J (2016) Mechanical restraint: Legal, Ethical and Clinical Issues in Vollm B & Nedopil N (Eds) The Use of Coercive Measures in Forensic Psychiatric care: Legal, Ethical and Practical challenges. Springer p 315-331.