Speaker Personal

Dr Jon Tose

GP, Senior Clinical Editor and Clinical Lead for
Pathways Alliance

Jon is a GP of 25 years' experience currently practicing in Manchester. He has had a portfolio career with interests in musculoskeletal and sports medicine alongside teaching and training. Over the last 10 years his career has focussed on leadership and systems. As a CCG clinical director, he learnt about the Canterbury Initiative, and helped introduce some of the culture and tools from New Zealand into South Tyneside. One of those tools was HealthPathways. Having seen firsthand the impact HealthPathways had on his colleagues in Canterbury Jon was immediately attracted to the potential benefit it could bring to South Tyneside. As a clinician he noticed the impact it could have on his individual practice and as a system leader, recognised the benefit it would bring in terms of maximising efficiencies and most importantly building trusted relationships across the care spectrum.

As well acting as a clinical editor for South Tyneside’s HealthPathways programme, he is the clinical lead for Pathways Alliance UK supporting new and existing members of the HealthPathways community maximise its benefits.

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