Speaker Personal

Dr Rajesh Rajendran, MBBS, FRCPath, MFPH,MAE, PG Dip in Infection Control

Associate Medical Director | Clinical Head of Division of Laboratory Medicine | Clinical Lead for GM Pathology Network
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Rajesh Rajendran is the Clinical Lead for GM Pathology Network, he also holds several roles at MFT which include  Associate Medical Director for Infection Control at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, and also a Consultant Microbiologist. He is the Clinical Head of Laboratory Medicine for Manchester University NHS foundation trust, overseeing all disciplines within pathology. He is also the Senior lecturer for Manchester University for Medical microbiology, infection prevention and control as well as an examiner at the Manchester Medical school.

He was awarded the Membership of the faculty of public health for his work on COVID 19 and antimicrobial resistance.

As the network lead for Pathology he overseas the development of the network to various stages of Maturity with the aim of getting GMPN to thriving status and is involved in the development.

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