Speaker Personal

Dr Rajiv Sharma

Clinical Executive for Strategic Partnerships Primary Care Clinical Lead Executive for Urgent & Emergency Care
Black Country & West Birmingham CCG

Dr. Sharma is the Clinical Executive for Strategic Partnerships for the Black Country and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group (BCWB CCG). In addition, he is the Primary Care Clinical Lead Executive (PCCLE) for Urgent & Emergency Care with the specific remit to drive down inequality and improve access across the system.

He is also a member of NHS England’s National Working Group for Online Triage in Primary Care.

Dr. Sharma started out as a Clinical Radiologist before becoming a GP.  He has also worked as a Primary Care Consultant in Secondary Care helping to set up and run an Ambulatory Emergency Care Department – helping to bridge the gap between Primary and Secondary Care.

Dr. Sharma is a firm believer of collaborative working between different parts of the healthcare environment, utilising the right tech to improve front-end/patient-facing services and harmonising backend/system standards – and the profound improvement this can make to patient care.

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