GP, Clinical Director and PHM lead
Dorset ICS and NHSEI
Dr Simone Yule studied in Cardiff and graduated in 1991 with a BSc in Biochemistry and an MB BCh. She has been a GP partner in North Dorset for 26 years .Simone has been actively involved with her CCG locally and with the NAPC being a faculty member and was a locality lead in Dorset for a number of years, before becoming Clinical Director for The Vale Network.
Her work with NAPC led to her developing an interest in Population Health Management and was part of the NHSE Wave 1 PHM pilot working with Optum. She is now a national clinical advisor for PHM. Through work with The Altogether Better Programme she is a passionate advocate for social prescribing, personalisation and the use of community-based assets to support patient self-care. Using PHM she has now developed a risk stratified approach to the management of frailty as a long-term condition, designing a proactive data driven format utilising social prescribers, the MDT and the voluntary sector which has facilitated integration.
This work led to Dorset winning the HFMA Delivering Value with Digital Technology and the data analytics platform known as the Dorset Intelligence and Insights Service has supported the sharing of data across organisations within the ICS to support system planning and to improve outcomes for patients and deliver proactive care.