Victoria Kidgell studied Mechanical Engineering and then completed a PhD in Civil and Computational Engineering at Swansea University. She then became a Clinical Scientist after undertaking the Scientist Training Programme in 2012, specialising in Clinical Engineering.
In 2015 she took up a post as Clinical Scientist, specialising in biomedical engineering and function within the Specialist Scientific Physiological Services team, working across 3 main services; gait analysis, functional electrical stimulation and foot pressures. In 2022, she took up the role of Lead Clinical Scientist in the Medical Device Management Group within Clinical Engineering.
She successfully completed the Chief Scientific Officer’s Women in Science and Engineering (CSO WISE) Leadership Development Programme (2019 cohort), producing national best-practice guidance for clinical pedobarography services. She also chaired the Standards Committee for the Clinical Movement Analysis Society of the UK and Ireland and is currently the Chair of the Clinical Engineering Special Interest Group (CE SIG) for the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM).