Speaker Personal

Gavin Stone

Intelligence Officer. Mentor & Trainer. Body Language Expert. Media Talent & Public Speaker.
Best Selling Author. Guest Host NBC Radio.

Gavin Stone served as a security & intelligence covert operative. He has over 20 years of applied experience, globally deployed by government organizations such as the British Ministry of Defence, corporations, and ultra high net worth VIPs. His speciality is HUMINT, within which he is adept at the full required spectrum of tradecraft skills. Of particular note is Stone’s expertise in surveillance and anti-surveillance, together with time-sensitive human analysis in high-risk dynamic situations. 

Stone’s ability to relate to diverse people from all parts of the world enables him to understand them. Impeccable and lifelong trust with clients results; so too the ability to mingle with and get results on undesirables. Stone knows how to accurately watch people from afar or gain insight from a breath away. And when the latter is needed, he can deploy proprietary and exceptional skills in elicitation, deception-detection, influence, persuasion, and damage mitigation. 

Throughout his remarkable career, Stone has been called on by clients to consult and train their seasoned operatives and new covert recruits. His training methodology is bespoke, always recognizing the need to understand his client and the trainees. His cutting edge insightful approach has garnered him industry-wide praise for his ability to convey highly complex expertise in a way that is memorable and rapidly applicable. 

Stone is highly qualified in Psychology. His numerous other academic qualifications include, but are by no means limited to; statement analysis, mind control, and neuro linguistic programming (NLP). His tradecraft field expertise is bolstered by manifold vocational qualifications pertaining to security and intelligence. He's ranked #28 in the world as a body language expert by Global Gurus Top 30. He has held vital security clearances, to the level of Top Secret. 

Stone is a best selling published author of the non-fiction book ‘How To Tell If Someone Is Lying’ and two highly acclaimed spy fiction novels. More books are underway. Whether non-fiction or fiction, the written word forms part of Stone’s quest to impart his rare knowledge to likeminded exponents. 

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