Speaker Personal

Joanna Crichton

Legal Director
Hill Dickinson LLP

Joanna is a Legal Director who has over 15 years’ experience in healthcare law.  Joanna has developed a specialism in funding issues and NHS continuing healthcare and has special expertise and significant experience in this area.  Over the past 14 years Joanna has regularly advised commissioners in relation to their responsibilities in relation to NHS continuing healthcare and she has detailed knowledge of the National Framework and associated legislation and guidance.

Examples of Joanna’s expertise include:

  • Developing and delivering in depth training to CHC commissioners across the North West in relation to the legal framework surrounding NHS Continuing healthcare, and the responsibilities of commissioners.
  • Providing training to CHC teams on other key issues arising out of their responsibilities for patients funded by way of CHC including a specific MCA and Deprivation of liberty workshop and a COPDOL11 masterclass.
  • Advising on a system-wide patient discharge and choice policy for the Merseyside region.
  • Providing training and advice in relation to ICB’s Equity and Choice policies.
  • Successfully applying for a damages claim in relation to NHS Continuing Healthcare to be struck out, with the PCT able to recover its costs against the claimant.
  • Providing regular advice and support to ICBs in relation to their responsibilities under the National Framework and associated law, such as in relation to nursing home “top up” charges or challenges from patients funding their care by way of Direct Payments.

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