Speaker Personal

Jonathan Warren

Retired Chief Executive and Chief Nurse

Jonathan is a retired Chief Executive and Chief Nurse – most of his career was spent at east London NHS Foundation Trust where along with the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Quality Officer redesigned the entire Quality management System to support the implementation of a culture of improvement which led the Trust to be the first MH Trust to be rated Outstanding by the CQC. He was also the national Advisor for Nursing at The Care Quality Commission

He spent 3 years as an Interim CEO at two further Trusts before retiring in 2021. One of these had been rated Inadequate by the CQC requiring a diferrent approach to improvement.

Since retirement he has continued as a member of faculty for the IHI where he has worked with a number of Trusts delivering training in Leadership for Improvement for core leaders. He has also worked with a number of challenged Trust to support their improvement journey.

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