Leah Morgan works as the Cancer Survivorship Improvement Facilitator at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals (SaTH) NHS Trust, supporting people living with and beyond cancer. Leah Morgan graduated with a Degree (with hons) of Bachelor Science in Nursing Practice and after working as an acute oncology and sepsis clinical nurse specialist at The Christie, Manchester, she moved to Shropshire to develop her career in managing projects to support people affected by cancer as part of the Recovery Package. Initially Macmillan funded and whilst developing her project management skills through gaining PRINCE2 qualifications, she spent four years working with both clinical and non-clinical teams at SaTH, developing award winning resources and support pathways for people living with and beyond cancer as part of the Personalised Care agenda in the NHS Long Term Plan. Now fully employed by the Trust, she continues to develop the programme and has recently started to develop relationships within Primary Care and other community sectors. She now works closely with a vast number of organisations and services that also support people living with cancer to support a holistic approach to the person’s care.