Mark joined NHS England in 2016 and is currently the Head of Programme for Hepatitis C Elimination.
In his previous role within NHS England Health & Justice, Mark led on Public Health in secure and detained settings and was policy lead for the health and care of transgender prisoners and Gypsy, Roma & Traveller communities.
Previously, Mark had spent 15 years as a senior manager in the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse and Public Health England, developing addiction treatment policy and delivery. Mark also spent a period overseeing the implementation and roll out of new cancer screening technologies for Public Health England, project managing the development of the bowel scope screening programme.
Before these national roles, Mark was an operational manager and practitioner within sexual health, alcohol and drug services within local authority and third sector organisations. As a part of his practitioner role, Mark trained in Counselling and Psychotherapy as well as gaining management qualifications.
Outside of NHS England, Mark is an active Justice of the Peace (adult criminal court and family court justice) on a bench in the north of England.