Prevention and Testing Manager
Positive East
After his release from prison, Pank established himself very quickly as a changemaker within community settings, with a focus on prisons. As an ex Shannon Trust mentor, he rose to become a board member and is now entering his second tenure as Trustee having held the post for three years.
Within sexual health, Pank has delivered numerous HIV awareness sessions across the prison estate to both prisoners and prison staff for the past six years, and formed a partnership with key HIV charities to deliver awareness, support to those living with HIV, advocacy and policy change. He co-authored the latest standards for management of sexual health services in prisons for the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV and has now become the Chair of the BASHH special interest group for Prisons. In addition to this, he is a community representative for the British HIV Association, a positive voices speaker for the Terrence Higgins Trust and a Fast Track Cities London HIV Ambassador. Dedicated to ending new cases of HIV by 2030, Pank also holds the post of Prevention and Testing Manager at Positive East, where he oversees delivery of services for the London HIV Prevention Program - a contract providing testing services to every borough across London. A natural public speaker, Pank has presented at various conferences and was invited to stage a photography exhibition at the International AIDS society conference 2024 in Munich that received critical acclaim and offers to show in a number of other countries globally.