Speaker Personal

Prof Jeremy Wyatt

Emeritus Professor of Digital Healthcare
University of Southampton

Jeremy is Emeritus Professor of Digital Healthcare at Southampton and former Director of Wessex Institute of Health Research, advisor on validation methods to NHSX AI Lab, member of the MHRA Devices Expert Advisory Committee and Clinical Adviser on New Technologies to Royal College of Physicians. He currently leads the Faculty of Clinical informatics’ Special Interest Group on AI and co-convenes UK activity on Mobilising Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK). He was previously Leadership Chair in eHealth Research in Leeds, setting up the £7M MRC Biomedical Informatics Centre in Leeds Institute of Data Analytics. His research uses empirical methods to uncover scientific principles guiding the design of clinical information and eHealth systems, studying interactive tools to change the behaviour of clinicians (eg. decision support), patients (eg. apps, telehealth) and the public (eg. SMS msgs to promote healthy lifestyle), and of digital tools to support health research. 

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