Speaker Personal

Richard M Ballerand

Patient Advocate, Health Policy Advisor
NHSx and Committee Lay Member/Chair NHSE

Richard M Ballerand is a Franco-British policy advisor and Axolotl Associates, partner. Chairing his practice’s Patient Participation Group, he serves as lay member/reviewer for National Institute for Health Research, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, and National Data Collaborative for Health and Care. An EMA European patient expert, NIHR CLAHRC NWL improvement leader fellow, and multiple health network member, he has served in various capacities on five London NHS Trusts over the last six years.

A syncretist with economics, strategy, and psychology degrees, and a financial/defence sector background, Richard also travelled widely as a reservist military liaison officer. A former trustee of several charities and think-tanks (e.g. Chelsea Society, Royal Institution and Royal United Services Institute) – some earlier roles include: Zoological Society of London vice-president, Birkbeck College governor, and University of London senator.

Richard draws on the extensive lived experience of the British, French and American healthcare systems, including family advocacy, caring, and care coordination. London based for three decades, he also trained and volunteered as a counsellor. During his doctoral studies, he was hit by a car, and sustained several injuries, including a traumatic brain injury, with long-term sequelae. Richard has a special interest in those with invisible disabilities and deficits, and the challenges facing the ex-military and diverse groups.


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