Deputy Director – Delivery and Implementation, Outpatient Recovery and Transformation Programme
NHS England
Richard joined the outpatient transformation & recovery programme in April 2022 and has been busy focussing on the team’s operating model to ensure we provide responsive delivery and implementation support. Richard also oversees the redesign of outpatient pathways, managing the development and co-production with key stakeholders of tailored, clinically-led guidance and resources, to help spread and embed outpatient transformation initiatives across relevant specialty services. He is also looking in to behavioural change and the development of processes and procedures to help to ensure equity of access to outpatient services.
Previously, Richard was CEO of the national support organisation to Local Optical Committees, as well as being an experienced CCG and acute trust director with a background across all healthcare and care sectors and expertise in service change, organisational change and commissioning service delivery. Throughout his career, Richard has delivered real service change with measurable patient benefits.
In his spare time, when not stood on the side of various football pitches, Richard enjoys playing the drums in a band, running, reading and fighting constant mechanical battles with old motorbikes and land rovers!