Speaker Personal

Samantha Bergin Goncalves

Sam Bergin Goncalves is a parent carer of an adult with complex health and care needs supporting the management of a health budget funded through NHS continuing health care. Sam has been using digital technology and Multi Media Advocacy to support a more integrated approach for her son’s health and care since 2014. Focussing on individual aspirations was the main driver for Sam to set up a personal bespoke adult service for her son when a specialist college placement broke down. Sam regularly delivers person centred planning training for the RIX Centre at UEL and has presented at a number of National events on the importance of information sharing and individual’s wellbeing. Sam has held a number of voluntary posts with organisations supporting people with learning disabilities. Sam was the citizen lead for the PRSB in the development of a number of Health and Social Care standards. Sam is particularly passionate about implementation of the About Me standard in Shared Care records systems. Sam has also been a patient and public representative panellist for the National Data Guardian.

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