Speaker Personal

Tracy Dell

Practice Manager
Plane Trees Group Practice

Tracy is the current NAPC Practice Manager of the Year 2019/20. She has been a Practice Business Manager at Plane Trees Group Practice since 2003 and has over twenty years of healthcare management experience in general practice, primary, secondary and community care as well as the voluntary sector.

Tracy is the lead manager for North Halifax Primary Care Network, is an associate for Calderdale CCG and LMC leading on practice management development and is a PM appraiser. She provides independent management consultancy services and delivers training.

Her main areas of interest are; workforce development, collaborative working, optimising the use of IT systems, improving efficiencies and streamlining work processes. Tracy is also a trustee for the Calderdale Carers Project and an advocate for the support and care of our military veterans.

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abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Stockport County