Navigating NHS Continuing Healthcare: Best Practices and Challenges

Events for Healthcare

10:50 am
04 May, 2023
Virtual Event: GoTo

Navigating NHS Continuing Healthcare: Best Practices and Challenges

Events for Healthcare

10:50 am
04 May, 2023
Virtual Event: GoTo

Navigating NHS Continuing Healthcare: Best Practices and Challenges

The NHS Continuing Healthcare conference is an event that brings together healthcare professionals, policy makers, and industry experts to discuss the latest developments in continuing healthcare within the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom.

Continuing healthcare refers to a package of care that is provided to individuals with ongoing healthcare needs, typically outside of a hospital setting.

Some key benefits to receiving NHS CHC, including:

  1. Access to coordinated and comprehensive care: CHC provides a coordinated and comprehensive package of care that meets the individual's healthcare needs, including nursing, therapy, and social care.

  2. Care in a preferred location: CHC allows individuals to receive care in a location of their choice, such as their own home, a care home, or a hospice.

  3. Continuity of care: CHC ensures that the individual receives care from a consistent team of healthcare professionals who are familiar with their needs and preferences.

  4. Financial support: CHC may cover the costs of care and support, including equipment and adaptations to the individual's home.

  5. Support for carers: CHC can provide support and respite for caregivers, helping to reduce the burden of care and improve the overall quality of life for both the individual receiving care and their carers.

Attendees at the NHS Continuing Healthcare conference can expect to come away with a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the NHS in terms of continuing healthcare, as well as a range of practical tools and strategies for improving the delivery of care to individuals with ongoing healthcare needs.

Key Subjects

Our conference will feature keynote speeches from leading figures in the healthcare industry, as well as panel discussions, workshops, and breakout sessions covering a range of topics related to continuing healthcare. These topics may include:

  • Strategies for improving access to continuing healthcare
  • Innovations in care delivery and coordination
  • Approaches to managing the transition between different care settings
  • The role of technology in continuing healthcare
  • Case studies and examples of successful continuing healthcare initiatives within the NHS

Who will Attend

  • NHS Continuing Healthcare Coordinator or Case Manager
  • Primary Care Physician or Healthcare Provider
  • Nurse or Healthcare Professional
  • Social Worker or Social Care Professional
  • Local Authority Representative or Government Agency Representative
  • Healthcare Administrator or Manager
  • Policymaker or Government Official
  • Healthcare Researcher or Academic
  • Clinical Commissioning Group Representative
  • Hospice Representative or Palliative Care Specialist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Speech and Language Therapist
  • Physical Therapist or Physiotherapist
  • Mental Health Professional (e.g. psychologist, counsellor, psychiatric nurse)
  • Geriatrician or Gerontologist (specializing in care for older adults)

Sponsors & Partners

The programme


Chair House

Chair House


The Patient Journey Through Continuing Healthcare – Learnings and Best Practice

Dr Sam Gower
Personalised Healthcare Commissioning Clinical Director
Midlands & Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Unit

Taking our learnings as the largest Continuing Healthcare Commissioner in England, (responsible for c£950million care spend), we walk through a patient’s journey, identifying some of the key issues they and the system can face, and explain how we address these. These include approaches to workforce planning and the use of digital technology to improve patient flow. We have also developed data systems to enable better forecasting for service delivery and financial planning as well as providing care market insights.


Case Study - IEG4

Kevin Valentine
Operations Manager
Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Case Study - IEG4


Consent in NHS Continuing Healthcare

Joanna Crichton
Legal Director
Hill Dickinson LLP

A discussion on the legal requirements for consent in NHS Continuing Healthcare, in light of the changes made in the updated National Framework.


Keynote Presentation - Martin Farran

Martin Farran
Management Consultant
former Director Adult Social Care (DASS)

Innovations in Technology and Telehealth for Continuing Healthcare

This presentation will explore how technology and telehealth are being used to improve the delivery of Continuing Healthcare services. The presentation will highlight specific examples of how technology is being used to support patients, carers and healthcare professionals, including remote monitoring, virtual consultations and telehealth


Close of Day

Close of Day


Your Pass Includes....

Your Pass Includes:

  • Access to all live keynote presentations and discussion sessions
  • Live and interactive best practice sharing
  • Meet the supplier opportunities
  • Take away content material
  • Interactive activities: Polls
  • Prize draws

Tickets For NHS Senior Managers

We have an invite only option for NHS Senior Managers for our conference, to see if you qualify for a complimentary place please click the button below.

Register your place

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County