Exploring Intelligent Interfaces: Healthcare Digital Technology Congress

Technology & Innovation

08:30 am
06 Nov, 2019
Etc.Venues London

Exploring Intelligent Interfaces: Healthcare Digital Technology Congress

Technology & Innovation

08:30 am
06 Nov, 2019
Etc.Venues London

Exploring Intelligent Interfaces: Healthcare Digital Technology Congress

Our Healthcare Digital Technology conference series is fast becoming our most well-followed events, having said this, we are pleased to share details of our 4th Exploring Intelligent Interfaces: Healthcare Digital Technology Congress

As stated in the newly developed NHS Long Term Plan, virtually every aspect of modern life has been and will continue to be, radically reshaped by innovation and technology.

Sustained advances in computing and the democratisation of information are driving choice and control throughout our daily lives, giving us heightened expectations around digital services.

Good progress has been made in delivering the plans set out in the Five Year Forward View, with many new or enhanced digital and technology systems and services provided over the last three years. Citizens have access to high-quality NHS information and digital services through the transformed NHS.uk website. WI-FI is being installed across the whole NHS estate, and The NHS app is being rolled out on a national scale which will provide access to NHS 111 services and Their GP record, it will also allow booking appointments.

Join us on the 6th of November 2019 at the Exploring Intelligent Interfaces: Healthcare Digital Technology Congress as we discuss the key priorities that will drive digital transformation throughout the NHS.

Fundamental Digital Aspects of the Long-Term Plan:

Create straightforward digital access to NHS services, and help patients and their carers manage their health.

  • Ensure that clinicians can access and interact with patient records and care plans wherever they are.
  • Use decision support and artificial intelligence (AI) to help clinicians in applying best practices, eliminate unwarranted variation across the whole pathway of care, and support patients in managing their health and condition.
  • Use predictive techniques to help local health systems to plan care for populations.
  • Use intuitive tools to capture data as a by-product of care in ways that empower clinicians and reduce the administrative burden.
  • Protect patients’ privacy and give them control over their medical records.
  • Link clinical, genomic and other data to support the development of new treatments to improve the NHS, making data captured for care available for clinical research, and publishing, as open data, aggregate metrics about NHS performance and services.
  • Ensure NHS systems and NHS data are secure through implementation of security, monitoring systems and staff education.
  • Mandate and rigorously enforce technology standards (as described in The Future of Healthcare) to ensure data is interoperable and accessible.
  • Encourage the world-leading health IT industry in England with a supportive environment for software developers and innovators.

November’s conference will bring together 12 industry-leading speakers & 10 strategically chosen commercial sector service providers that will give delegates a 360-degree view of the issues and faces and services available to help drive technology throughout the NHS.

Exploring Intelligent Interfaces: Healthcare Digital Technology Congress will promote the power of networking, with 200 like-minded public-sector professionals in attendance they will allow you to meet and engage with peers within your area of expertise from across the UK.

Benefits of attending:

  • Listen, learn and engage with industry-leading speakers
  • Input directly to the discussions and panel debate sessions
  • Gain 8 CPD Points
  • Engage directly with over 200 of your peers from across the UK
  • Network with ten thought-leading commercial sector solution providers
  • All food and refreshments provided

Delegate places are limited so, please get in touch with one of the team today to secure your spot at the 4th Healthcare Digital Technology.

Research source: longtermplan.nhs.uk

Who will Attend

  • Chief Information Officers
  • Chief Technology Officers
  • Clinical Directors/Heads/Managers/Leads
  • Commissioning Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Communications Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Digital Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Digital Inclusion Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Digital Strategy Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Engagement Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Governance Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Informatics Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Information Assurance Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Information Management Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Innovation Directors/Heads/Managers
  • IT Directors/Heads/Managers
  • IT Security Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Medical Directors
  • Performance Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Policy Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Procurement Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Programme/Project Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Service Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Strategic Planning Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Transformation Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Web Directors/Heads/Managers

The programme


Registration, Networking & Breakfast


Richard M Ballerand
Patient Advocate, Health Policy Advisor
NHSx and Committee Lay Member/Chair NHSE
Chair Richard M Ballerand (Confirmed) Patient Advocate, Health Policy Advisor, and Lay Member of NHSx and NICE


Daniel Ray
Director of Data
NHS Digital
Professor Daniel Ray (Confirmed) Director of Data at NHS Digital “Innovative uses of Data and Data science” demonstrating cutting edge analytics to tackle complex clinical and administrative challenges in health and care.


NHS Case Study: Implementing AI panel debate Esther Rodriguez-Villegas, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Confirmed) Eleonora Harwich, Director of Research & Head of Digital and Tech Innovation for REFORM (Confirmed) Graham King, Product Manager at DesAcc EMEA Ltd (Confirmed) Rebecca Pope Ph.D, Head of Data Science & Engineering Solutions & Digital, KPMG (Confirmed)


Chris Reynolds
Central Professional Services
Main Sponsor Chris Reynolds (Confirmed) Systems Engineer, UK at Jamf “Empowering users with Apple Technology” Through customised zero-touch provisioning and seamless shared usage of Apple devices, learn how Jamf Pro can help increase productivity and save time, all while reducing the burden on IT.


Q & A


Morning Break, Networking & Refreshments


Chair Richard M Ballerand (Confirmed) Patient Advocate, Health Policy Advisor, and Lay Member of NHSx and NICE


Rob Blay
WellSky International Ltd
Rob Tysall-Blay (Confirmed) Chief Executive at WellSky International Ltd (Confirmed) “Realising care’s potential through intelligent interfacing: Driving medicines management integration in the NHS” True interoperability and intelligent interfacing requires a standards-based approach. This is something that is not lost on Rob Tysall-Blay, co-writer and proponent of the Tech UK interoperability charter. This talk will explore the real meaning of intelligent interfacing, the enablers for achieving it and the transformative vision that will ultimately result in medicines management integration within the NHS. Rob will be using current system examples to prove Matt Hancock’s vision is within reach.


Tom Jones
Major Accounts, Public Sector
Tom Jones (Confirmed) Enterprise Account Manager at StarLeaf ‘Care pathway communications technology’ StarLeaf is the best-placed provider to help NHS trusts move to digital transformation and provide reliable, efficient, and flexible video communications with no loss of service within the migration path from N3 to HSCN. StarLeaf has a track record in helping large public sector organisations with complex communications needs to migrate to a solution that meets their security, performance and availability requirements.


Dr Aman Gupta (Confirmed) National Programme Manager for NHS Innovation Accelerator “Enabling the spread of digital innovation: real-world insight from the NHS Innovation Accelerator” Dr Aman Gupta, National Programme Manager of the NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) will share some of the real-world learnings from this national accelerator – delivered in partnership with NHS England and England’s 15 AHSNs.


Phil Turnock
Chief Digital Officer
NHS East & North Hertfordshire CCG
Phil Turnock and Simon Carey (Confirmed) Chief Digital Officer and Associate Director of ICT Operations NHS East & North Hertfordshire CCG “Do no harm: How to leverage modern IT to drive modern healthcare.” Phil and Simon will share the steps they’ve taken to transform the IT infrastructure at NHS East & North Hertfordshire CCG from ‘fragile’ to ‘agile’. Championing an NHSI endorsed, best of breed ‘shared services’ approach, they overview the key principles of their digital strategy that embrace new technologies committed to enabling superior patient care, as well as how to transparently measure and pro-actively improve technology experience for users.


Q & A


Lunch & Networking


Chair Richard M Ballerand (Confirmed) Patient Advocate, Health Policy Advisor, and Lay Member of NHSx and NICE


Ed Hook
Roc Process Practice Director
Roc Technologies Group
Case Study Ed Hook (Confirmed) Roc Process Practice Director at Roc Technologies “Process before technology” – taking an intelligent approach to digital transformation How do we choose the right innovative technologies and where should we apply them across the services we deliver? The more we digitise and automate, the more critical a crystal-clear understanding of our patient and colleague processes becomes. Ed explains how we can achieve this quickly to deliver sustainable improvements.


Ben Showers
Head of Digital Transformation
Ben Showers (Confirmed) Head of Transformation at NHSX “NHSX and the future of health and social care” NHSX brings teams from the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England and NHS Improvement together into one unit to drive digital transformation and lead policy, implementation and change. Ben will talk us through the plans for the NHSX team and discuss some current pilots being ran across the UK.


Daniel Taylor
Business Development Manager
Case Study Daniel Taylor (Confirmed) Business Development Manager at Collabco “The benefits of creating a staff portal” What is a digital workplace and why should you adopt a digital workplace strategy? Digital transformation represents an opportunity for improving productivity growth by enabling innovation and reducing the costs of a range of business processes. Come and join our discussion on transforming your employee experience


Jackie Shears (Confirmed) Associate Director – Date Acquisitions at NHS Digital “NHS Data: Leading a System-wide shift” We need to change our Data approach to insure: • is patient-centric • flows data once and uses it often for legally permitted uses • links and gives contextual pathways of data not silos


Ramin Nilforooshan
Associate Medical Director for Research and Development
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Ramin Nilforooshan (Confirmed) Associate Medical Director for Research and Development at Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust “How a pioneering NHS Test Bed is using predictive technologies to fill a crucial gap in care for people with dementia living independently in the community” Professor Ramin Nilforooshan will discuss the achievements of the TIHM for dementia NHS Test Bed: a collaboration between the NHS, academia and industry, and the future potential of the system to transform the way the NHS works and provide more targeted care at the point of need for people with a wide range of healthcare needs. He will also discuss future commercialisation plans for TIHM.


Dr Mike Fisher (Confirmed) Consultant Cardiologist & Chief Clinical Information Officer at Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospital NHS Trust “AI in action” Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen Hospitals using artificial intelligence to provide pioneering treatment for patients; In a pioneering pilot project, the Trust is using artificial intelligence to help doctors make decisions about a patient’s care by rapidly accessing published data, evidence and guidance and making recommendations tailored to individual patient’s medical needs


Reena Sangar (Confirmed) Head of Digital and Connected Health for Ipsos Healthcare “Trends and economics in Digital and Connected Health” Connected health innovations such as digital therapeutics and monitoring devices are here – but recent research by Ipsos highlights some key economic, physician and patient drivers and challenges in the new connected health era. This talk will uncover: • What is the current uptake and usage of connected health technologies? And the potential for tomorrow? • How do Clinicians feel and how will new medical devices e.g. digital assistants and Smart Home Technology play a role in disease management? • What are the health economics of new technologies? What is the business case for it?


Q & A, Prize Give Away, Refreshments & Close of Day

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County