NHS Patient and Staff Safety Virtual Conference

Events for Healthcare

11:00 am
23 Jun, 2020 - 24 Jun, 2020
Virtual Event: GoTo

NHS Patient and Staff Safety Virtual Conference

Events for Healthcare

11:00 am
23 Jun, 2020 - 24 Jun, 2020
Virtual Event: GoTo

NHS Patient and Staff Safety Virtual Conference

In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, now, more than ever, we are starting to understand the mammoth task that our healthcare professionals are up against while trying to keep the general public safe while within an acute healthcare setting.

Clinicians and nurses fight infectious diseases every day. The Covid-19 pandemic is highlighting this stressful aspect of care, because it is highly contagious, and because it’s creating unparalleled demand to protect hospital staff coupled with the need to optimize patient flow.

As a part of the Convenzis Group Virtual Series, we will be hosting the UK’s first Virtual NHS Patient & Staff Safety Conference. Join us as we discuss some areas of concern highlighted by the recent COVID-19 outbreak and the innovative and forward-thinking technology and services helping to counter these issues and improve both NHS staff and Patient safety, key areas of discussion will be;

  • Preventing healthcare-acquired infections
  • Global leadership for patient safety
  • Patient Safety Incident Management system
  • Reducing medication error
  • Learning from deaths
  • Inspection round up and review
  • + Much more!

All our virtual conferences are all split across 2 short, but content-packed days.

Day 1: will focus on the sharing of best practices, national policy insights and innovation.

Day 2: speakers will continue their presentations focusing on the key take always and lessons learned, interactive question and answer sessions throughout will open the debate up and give you the chance to have your say.

In this, free to attend the virtual conference we will hear from expert healthcare speakers & policy shapers in the UK and further afield while networking and sharing best practices throughout the day.

The event will offer:

  • Guest speaker sessions
  • Round table streams
  • Exhibition areas
  • Fully immersive peer to peer networking
  • Live polls and Q&A sessions

Join us as we praise our NHS Frontline staff and discuss the top-down changes needed to ensure patient and staff safety is at the forefront of thinking.

Research sources for NHS Patient and Staff Safety Virtual Conference

Patient safety learning / NHS England/ NHS Improvement/ BBC News

Who will Attend

  • Academics/Researchers
  • Anaesthetists
  • Chairs/Members of CCGs
  • Chief Clinical Operations Officers
  • Chief Executives
  • Chief Medical Officers
  • Clinical Directors
  • Clinical Standards & Patient Experience
  • Directors of Infection Prevention and Control
  • Directors of Public Health
  • Directors/Heads of Service Improvement
  • Directors/Heads of Strategic Development
  • Directors/Managers of Commissioning
  • Estate and Facilities Managers
  • General Practitioners
  • HCAI Managers
  • Heads of Charities
  • Heads of Innovation
  • Heads of Maternity Services
  • Heads of Nursing
  • Heads of Patient Care
  • Heads of Patient Safety
  • Heads of Pharmacy
  • Heads of Quality & Care
  • Heads of Risk & Compliance
  • Health & Safety Managers
  • HR Directors/Managers
  • Infection Control Leads
  • Inspection Managers
  • Medical Directors
  • Microbiologists
  • Patient Experience Leads
  • Patient Safety Managers
  • Programme Directors
  • Specialist Nurses
  • Surgeons
  • Trust Board Members
  • Ward Managers


Sponsors & Partners

The programme


Registration and Networking


Chairs Opening Address


Event introduction and opening remarks

Helen Hughes
Patient Safety Learning
Helen is an experienced leader in organisational effectiveness and transformational change. She has held leadership roles in healthcare in the UK and the World Health Organisation and the National Patient Safety Agency, Equality and Human Rights Commission, Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman and the Charity Commission. She Chairs a Charity, Solace Women’s Aid. Helen’s leadership roles in patient safety include designing the first patient safety infrastructure and policy for the NHS in England, Director of the National Reporting and Learning System and executive lead of the global ‘Patients For Patient Safety’ programme.


“Improving staff and patient safety with body cameras”

Richard Hattam
Business Development Manager
Calla Technology Ltd
Benefits of body cameras in the NHS Experience of NHS Trusts using body cameras How to get up and running with the technology Helen’s leadership roles in patient safety include designing the first patient safety infrastructure and policy for the NHS in England, Director of the National Reporting and Learning System and executive lead of the global ‘Patients For Patient Safety’ programme.


“Running a body camera pilot in the NHS”

Richard Hattam
Business Development Manager
Calla Technology Ltd
Benefits of body cameras in the NHS Experience of NHS Trusts using body cameras How to get up and running with the technology


The Suspicion of Sepsis (SOS) Insights Dashboard

Kenny Ajayi
Patient Safety at Imperial College Health Partners
The SOS Dashboard enables NHS staff to improve patient care and reduces potential harm by – for the first time ever – providing consistent, accurate and reliable data on sepsis outcomes. It saves healthcare professional’s time by making the data freely and easily accessible in a usable format and provides relevant data which can be intelligently applied with precision to improve the quality of patient care. Local teams determine which methods work best over time, and which may need to be spread more widely across a region or nationally. It will ultimately help to better plan and prepare local services potentially saving lives across the country.


Networking and Panel Discussions


Chair to Reopen


“International Covid-19 response: Multidisciplinary Monitoring”

Federico Zangrandi
Quality Improvement
Istituto Clinico Humanitas
Alessio Aghemo
Head of the Centre for the Study and Treatment of Metabolic Liver Diseases and Complications of Cirrhosis
Humanitas Research Hospital
After the acute phase of the surge, our hospital is returning to regular care and still taking care of COVID patients. Quality of care and patient safety remain our primary focus: therefore a multidisciplinary team regularly monitors and supports the safety of all clinical activities


Ensuring Safety of Care Home Residents During COVID-19 & Beyond

Tumsilla Sethi
Director of PCN Transformation
Bexley Health Neighbourhood Care (BHNC)
Bexley Health Neighbourhood Care (BHNC) manages 30 care homes in the Bexley Region providing care to residents. This session will discuss the challenges of coordinating care for the Bexley care home residents during COVID-19, whilst ensuring the safety of both patients and staff.


How avoidable harm is under-estimated.. and how AI is helping identify and resolve it in new ways

Richard Jones
Chief Commercial and Strategy Officer
Avoidable harm and mortality cost the NHS £2bn annually to fix, but the actual figure is likely to be far higher as monitoring/reporting in a typical hospital only picks up 10% of what the World’s most sophisticatedAI-backed systems can detect. This presentation will touch on examples of improvements of the award-winning improvements, and cost savings (£m’s per hospital) driven by these insights.


Networking and Panel Discussions


Chairs Final Address


“Improving patient safety through annual care home medication reviews”

Jenny Desborough
Medicines Optimisation in Care Homes (MOCH) Pharmacist
NHS Arden and GEM Commissioning Support Unit
Part A (day 1) will go through the context of the project and how we approached the review process. It will also cover how the service created collaborative patient-centred working practices and discuss some of the results obtained during the duration of the project.


Engage to Learn: Learning Lessons from the Coronavirus pandemic- Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust (BSMHFT) response, utilising QI methodology approach to staff and patient safety.

Nick Conway
Quality Improvement Lead
Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust
Julie Romano
Head of Quality Improvement and Clinical Effectiveness
Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust
Healthcare has been affected immensely from the coronavirus pandemic. At BSMHFT we are reviewing how we responded and are still responding in the view to help us understand what went well, what could be done better and what have we learned. We have utilised QI methodology in our approach to see how we can understand the views from as many teams and individuals as we can to capture & evaluate changes to the organisation due to COVID 19. We are determining impact whilst using the findings to shape service provision for a response to a possible COVID 19 Wave 2, and the new business as usual. In addition, we are in the middle of our Trust Strategy relaunch, so this a pivotal opportunity for some elements to be incorporated within this.


Safety-I thinking

Daniel Hodgkiss
Patient Safety Assistant Programme Manager/ Managing Deterioration National Co-Lead
West Midlands Academic Health Science Network
This session will focus on the need to allow a paradigm shift towards Safety-II thinking and how to balance this with traditional Safety I thinking, where we focus solely on how it all goes wrong such as incident management


Networking and Panel Discussions


Registration and Networking


Chairs Opening Address


Day 2: Event introduction and opening remarks

Helen Hughes
Patient Safety Learning
Helen is an experienced leader in organisational effectiveness and transformational change. She has held leadership roles in healthcare in the UK and the World Health Organisation and the National Patient Safety Agency, Equality and Human Rights Commission, Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman and the Charity Commission. She Chairs a Charity, Solace Women’s Aid. Helen’s leadership roles in patient safety include designing the first patient safety infrastructure and policy for the NHS in England, Director of the National Reporting and Learning System and executive lead of the global ‘Patients For Patient Safety’ programme.


The Suspicion of Sepsis (SOS) Insights Dashboard: Outcomes and future system plans

Kenny Ajayi
Patient Safety at Imperial College Health Partners
The SOS Dashboard enables NHS staff to improve patient care and reduces potential harm by – for the first time ever – providing consistent, accurate and reliable data on sepsis outcomes. Following yesterdays session Kenny will now talk us through the outcomes from the implementation of the dashboard and also the future of the service.


Networking and Panel Discussions


Chair to Reopen


“International Covid-19 response: Harnessing Real-time Indicators”

Marco Albini
Chief of Quality Monitoring Office
Istituto Clinico Humanitas
Maurizio Cecconi
Head of the Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Department
Humanitas Research Hospital
A good system of Key Indicators is crucial for the COVID crisis management and also for restarting all other clinical activities. Real-time indicators are elemental for quality and patient safety, and also useful for research and clinical improvement.


Understanding Care Homes Needs to Deliver Safer Care

Tumsilla Sethi
Director of PCN Transformation
Bexley Health Neighbourhood Care (BHNC)
This session will discuss the complexities of systems used in care homes to deliver effective care and the importance of cross-organisational collaboration to ensure the safety of care home residents.


How AI systems can help the NHS recover. Practical and proven approaches to saving 500 lives per hospital, £7m annually and 10,000 bed-days

Richard Jones
Chief Commercial and Strategy Officer
Prevention of two avoidable, hospital-acquired conditions could prevent 70,000 deaths annually, £1bn for the NHS and 2 million bed-days, based around results from the UK, Sweden and New Zealand. This presentation will explain how this approach supports capacity creation during COVID surges but how other tools can then help deliver the ‘objective priority scoring’ needed to prioritise the elective surgical list.


Networking and Panel Discussions


Chairs Final Address


“Improving patient safety through annual care home medication reviews”

Jenny Desborough
Medicines Optimisation in Care Homes (MOCH) Pharmacist
NHS Arden and GEM Commissioning Support Unit
Part B (day 2) will examine the outcomes and learning gathered from the service. It will also cover how we plan to apply this to future working practices as the drive for care home support following COVID-19 gathers momentum. There will be an opportunity to ask questions at this point.


BSMHFT working towards foundations for safer care: Where we are now and where we need to go

Nick Conway
Quality Improvement Lead
Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust
Samantha Munbodh
Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust
At BSMHFT we recognise our responsibility to continually improve patient safety by responding to our patient needs and system priorities. To allow us to do this we have looked at how we learn from serious incidents and how we can prioritise the most important safety issues and employ consistent measurement and effective improvement methods, to help us do this we have chosen to use QI as we believe this methodology gives us insight into how to understand variation and build learning.


Safety-II thinking

Daniel Hodgkiss
Patient Safety Assistant Programme Manager/ Managing Deterioration National Co-Lead
West Midlands Academic Health Science Network
This session will focus on the need to allow a paradigm shift towards Safety-II thinking and how to balance this with traditional Safety I thinking, where we focus solely on how it all goes wrong such as incident management


Networking and Panel Discussions

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Stockport County