NHS Sustainable Solutions Conference: Building a Greener NHS

Estates & Facilities

09:00 am
24 Sep, 2024
15 Hatfields Conference Centre, London SE1 8DJ

NHS Sustainable Solutions Conference: Building a Greener NHS

Estates & Facilities

09:00 am
24 Sep, 2024
15 Hatfields Conference Centre, London SE1 8DJ

Job titles includes

Sustainability Manager
Improvement and Delivery Manager
Sustainability Transformation Manager

Delegates Registered

Organisations Involved

Coventry and Warwickshire ICB
Guy's and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
West London NHS Trust 

Current Landscape and Challenges:

The National Health Service faces significant sustainability challenges in the current landscape. The pressing issues revolve around the strain on resources, increased energy consumption, waste management concerns, and the environmental impact of healthcare operations.

Balancing the delivery of high-quality care with a commitment to reducing the carbon footprint poses a formidable challenge. Furthermore, the growing demands for healthcare services, compounded by the need to integrate sustainable practices, present a complex and urgent problem that requires immediate attention.

Importance and Timeliness of the Event:

Considering the escalating global environmental crisis and the critical need for organisations to adopt sustainable practices, the Sustainable Solutions Conference comes as a timely and crucial platform for fostering dialogue, collaboration, and the exchange of pioneering ideas.

With sustainability being a central concern in healthcare systems, this event aims to highlight the significance of implementing eco-friendly initiatives within the NHS.

Why Attend:

This conference will serve as a catalyst for driving transformative change, facilitating the adoption of innovative strategies, and promoting a holistic approach to sustainability, thereby ensuring the long-term resilience and effectiveness of the healthcare sector.

This conference presents a unique opportunity for NHS senior leaders to gather valuable insights, exchange best practices, and collaborate with industry experts and thought leaders in the realm of sustainability.

As the event is free for NHS senior leaders, it offers an accessible platform to gain comprehensive knowledge and practical strategies for integrating sustainable practices into the fabric of the NHS

Headline Sponsor

Key Subjects

Sustainable Infrastructure Development:

  • Implementing energy-efficient systems in healthcare facilities.
  • Integrating renewable energy sources for sustainable power supply.

Waste Reduction and Management:

  • Strategies for minimising medical and non-medical waste.
  • Promoting recycling initiatives and waste segregation practices.

Eco-Friendly Procurement Practices:

  • Sourcing environmentally friendly products and equipment.
  • Establishing sustainable supply chain partnerships and policies.

Green Healthcare Operations:

  • Reducing the carbon footprint of healthcare operations.
  • Implementing eco-friendly transportation and logistics solutions.

Promoting a Culture of Sustainability:

  • Educating and engaging healthcare professionals in sustainable practices.
  • Encouraging patient involvement in environmental conservation efforts.

Who will Attend

  • Heads/Directors Net Zero Delivery
  • Heads/Directors of Sustainability
  • Transport Services Directors/Managers
  • Heads of Infection Prevention & Control
  • Clinical Directors
  • Medical Directors
  • Consultant Anaesthetists
  • Directors of Nursing
  • Heads of Waste Management
  • Heads/Directors of Estates
  • Heads/Directors of Facilities Management
  • Heads of catering Services
  • Heads/Managers of Laundry & Cleaning Services
  • CTOs
  • CFOs
  • Heads of Programme Delivery
  • Environmental Compliance Officers
  • Heads of Decontamination & Sterile Services
  • Occupational Health and Wellbeing Managers
  • Energy Efficiency Leads
  • Heads/Managers of Environmental Health
  • Carbon reduction Analysts

Sponsors & Partners

The programme


Registration and Breakfast

Registration - Open from 9:00 am - Closes at 11:00 am

All delegates must complete their registration process before the 11:00 AM cut-off time. Please arrive in a timely manner to allow for registration and to avoid any inconvenience. Delegates who arrive after the registration deadline will be refused entry to the event.

We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain the event's schedule and ensuring that everyone can fully participate in the Sustainable Solutions Conference. If you have any questions or require assistance, our event staff will be available to assist you with the registration process.

Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to an insightful and productive event together!


Chair Opening Address (Confirmed)

Alexandra Hammond
Associate Director, Net Zero and Sustainable Supply Chain
NHS England

Chair Opening Address (Confirmed)


Keynote presentation - Stephen Sercombe, Director of Procurement at NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC) (Invited)

Eco-Friendly Procurement Practices

This presentation will explore the NHS's commitment to sustainability by integrating eco-friendly criteria into its procurement processes. Focused on the environmental impact of medical supply acquisition, the presentation highlights collaborative efforts with suppliers to ensure sustainable practices. By prioritising energy efficiency, waste reduction, and responsible sourcing, the NHS aims to not only reduce its ecological footprint but also achieve long-term cost savings.


Net Zero Panel Discussion

Dr Clare Winter
Head of Sustainability
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Ms Mary Aladegbola
Senior Net Zero Technical Energy Lead
NHS England
Jonathan Guppy
Sustainability Manager
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

Within this Panel discussion we will be discussing strategies that lead to a net-zero carbon footprint for the NHS. By exploring innovative technologies, promoting energy efficiency, and fostering sustainable practices, the panel seeks to address the healthcare sector's impact on climate change while ensuring the delivery of high-quality patient care. This concerted effort reflects a commitment to both public health and environmental stewardship, positioning the NHS as a leader in the global movement toward a more sustainable and resilient future.


  • Caitlin Hamlett, Head of Climate Change & Sustainability at NHS Scotland (Invited)
  • Sarah Taylor, Head of Sustainability for Frimley (Provisionally Confirmed)
  • Natalia Kurek, Deputy Director, Greener NHS Programme (Invited)
  • Dr Clare Winter, Head of Sustainability, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (Confirmed)
  • Jonathan Guppy, Sustainable Manager, South Central Ambulance Services NHSFT (Confirmed)
  • Ms Mary Aladegbola, Senior Net Zero Technical Energy Lead, NHS England (Confirmed)



Main Sponsor - PoGo Charge

Main Sponsor - PoGo Charge


Morning Break

Morning Break


Chair Morning Reflection (Confirmed)

Alexandra Hammond
Associate Director, Net Zero and Sustainable Supply Chain
NHS England

Chair Morning Reflection (Confirmed)


Case Study - Inenco

Case Study - Inenco


Case Study - Epson

Case Study - Epson


Keynote Presentation - Greener General Practice: Tips, Tricks, and Time-Savers! (Confirmed)

Dr Rumina Önaç
GP, RCGP Climate & Sustainability Lead (Humber & the Ridings), and Co-Chair of York & North Yorkshire Greener Practice
Old School Medical Practice, York

Want to reduce the carbon footprint of your Practice but unsure where to start? Overwhelmed by the obscurity of ‘Net Zero’, and looking to implement some measurable changes? Well, sit back and enjoy these tried-and-tested sustainability projects from the coalface of the NHS, showing we can provide healthcare that is good for patients and good for the planet.


Case Study - Equans

Case Study - Equans


Networking and Lunch

Networking and Lunch


Chair Afternoon Address (Confirmed)

Alexandra Hammond
Associate Director, Net Zero and Sustainable Supply Chain
NHS England

Chair Afternoon Address (Confirmed)


Case Study - Kier Group

Case Study - Kier Group


Keynote Presentation - Build it and they will come (Confirmed)

Ben Jeeves
Associate Chief Clinical Information Officer, AHP professional Lead, Advanced Practice Physiotherapist
Midlands partnership NHS University Foundation Trust

We all know what the targets are, but really are we doing enough? How can, and will we get there? An exploration of the options and actions to deploy.


Case Study

Case Study


Cross-Sector Analysis Session



Canapés, Drinks and Networking

Canapés, Drinks and Networking


End of Day

End of Day


Your Pass Includes....

Your Pass Includes:

  • Multiple live keynote presentations
  • Live examples of both NHS and Commercial best practice
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Refreshments included 
  • Meet the supplier sessions.
  • Networking opportunity
  • Live Q&A sessions with all speakers on the day
  • Drinks receptions (subject to event)
  • CPD accreditation
  • Prize draws

Tickets For NHS Senior Managers

We have an invite only option for NHS Senior Managers for our conference, to see if you qualify for a complimentary place please click the button below.

Register your place

Book tickets

Charity, Not for Profit and University (In-Person)
£203.99 excl VAT
Unlimited Places
Private Sector (In-Person)
£500.00 excl VAT
Unlimited Places
Free NHS Ticket
£0.00 No VAT
Limited Places

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County