Healthcare Events

The NHS Telemedicine Conference 2022

Events for Healthcare

08:00 am
03 Nov, 2022
15 Hatfields Conference Centre, London SE1 8DJ

The NHS Telemedicine Conference 2022

Events for Healthcare

08:00 am
03 Nov, 2022
15 Hatfields Conference Centre, London SE1 8DJ

The NHS Telemedicine Conference 2022 - Exploring Technology Enabled Care Services

The NHS Telemedicine Conference 2022 provides a timely platform for NHS managers and leaders to share practical insight and open the debate on the increasing use of telehealth, telecare, telemedicine, tele-coaching, and self-care applications across the NHS. We are very pleased to offer our NHS Network complimentary attendance for this in-person event.

Recent research findings found 70% of NHS money goes into caring for people over the age of 65 and 60% of those suffer from chronic illness. With 10 million people 65 and over, a figure rapidly increasing, there is the potential to save a lot of money in this area.

Technology Enabled Care Services has been identified as a key enabler to help reduce this figure and improve the wellbeing of patients.

From a national perspective, the NHS England Technology Enabled Care Services (TECS) Resource for Commissioners, has been developed by NHS commissioners to help maximise the value of technology-enabled care services for patients, carers, commissioners and the whole health economy.

We are excited to share details of our first national NHS Telemedicine Conference which will provide an interactive, and in-person platform for NHS managers and leaders to meet up and share practical insight, based on the implementation of Technology Enabled Care Services across the NHS.

A number of the services described under Telehealth can also be accessed via mobile phone technology and Apps, these systems are often used by younger service users and patients to allow them greater flexibility to access these services.

Research sources for The NHS Telemedicine Conference: NHS England, Computer Weekly, NHS Digital, NHS Providers.

Key Subjects

Key focus points for The NHS Telemedicine Conference:

  • The TECS programme, next steps and challenges
  • Digital Care Hubs: Best practice
  • Meet the experts: Supplier showcase
  • Continuous Monitoring Services: Supporting social care

Who will Attend

  • Chief Information Officers
  • Chief Technology Officers
  • Clinical Directors/Heads/Managers/Leads
  • Commissioning Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Communications Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Digital Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Digital Inclusion Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Digital Strategy Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Engagement Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Governance Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Informatics Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Information Assurance Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Information Management Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Innovation Directors/Heads/Managers
  • IT Directors/Heads/Managers
  • IT Security Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Medical Directors
  • Performance Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Policy Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Procurement Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Programme/Project Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Service Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Strategic Planning Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Transformation Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Web Directors/Heads/Managers

Sponsors & Partners

The programme


Registration, Networking & Breakfast

Registration, Networking & Breakfast


Chairs Opening Address

Dr. Dimitris Kalogeropoulos
Senior Independent Adviser, Global Health Innovation Expert
WHO, World Bank, European Commission, UNICEF, Healthcare Industry
Chairs Opening Address


Enhancing the adoption of digital technologies in health and care workforce education and training

Professor Bryn Baxendale
Clinical Advisor and Lead, Simulation and Immersive Learning Technologies HEE Technology Enhanced Learning Programme
Health Education England

Immersive technologies have the power to revolutionise health and care education and improve the quality, safety and effectiveness of care delivery. The Health Education England Technology Enhanced Learning team has contributed to key strategic publications  and are helping to accelerate the evidence-based introduction of extended reality (XR) in health and care education, training and practice. This presentation will describe how this programme is being implemented and illustrate how early adoption is being supported across education and healthcare provider contexts.


Best Practice Session: Telemedicine (Digital Care Hub)

Rachel Binks
Nurse Consultant, Digital and Acute Care and Clinical Lead for the Digital Care Hub
Airedale NHS Foundation Trust
The art of the possible – Using technology to reduce GP visits, acute admissions and ED attendance This presentation describes the services provided to people in their own homes, those at the end of their life and residents in care homes by the staff in the Digital Care Hub (DCH) at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust. Our Joint Venture (Immedicare) was launched in 2011 and now supports 20,000 residents living in almost 800 care homes across England. Delivered remotely via the DCH, it provides immediate access 24/7, to a clinical opinion through secure video conferencing or via dedicated telephone lines. The model seeks to promote independence and quality of life whilst reducing hospital admissions, emergency department attendance and primary care visits. It is highlighted as an emerging model of care in the 5 Year Forward View and the NHS 10 year plan now encourages the use of technology and digital healthcare. A number of additional services are delivered from the hub and these include Goldline – a service co-created with patients, GPs, commissioners, and a local hospice which specifically addresses needs of patients approaching end of life and their carers. MyCare24 – a service which supports people remotely in their own homes 24/7, with COPD (6000 people), Parkinson’s and for any person turned around in ED for 72 hours post discharge.


Digitally enhance remote support for Long Covid clinics

Dr Goodfellow
NIHR clinical lecturer in digital health and primary care

2 year funded NIHR project to design, deploy and evaluate a digital health intervention to support long covid clinics across the UK: Combining research and service delivery. 


Q&A Panel

Q&A Panel


Morning Break, Networking & Refreshments

Morning Break, Networking & Refreshments


Chairs Morning Reflection

Dr. Dimitris Kalogeropoulos
Senior Independent Adviser, Global Health Innovation Expert
WHO, World Bank, European Commission, UNICEF, Healthcare Industry
Chairs Morning Reflection


Case Study - Piota Healthcare Apps

Chris Elkin
Head of Healthcare
Piota Healthcare Apps

Case Study


Using telemedicine to support acute stroke care in the East of England

Lynda Sibson
Telemedicine Manager
East of England Stroke Telemedicine Partnership

The East of England Stroke Telemedicine Partnership was established in November 2010 to provide out of hours stroke expertise to 7 of our region’s hospitals. Our rurality and lack of stroke consultants presents challenges in ensuring that eligible patients presenting with an acute ischaemic stroke have access to thrombolysis. Telemedicine allows us to support local hospitals with secure access to a stroke consultant to the local decision making process


Q&A Panel

Q&A Panel


Networking and lunch

Networking and lunch


Chairs Afternoon Address

Dr. Dimitris Kalogeropoulos
Senior Independent Adviser, Global Health Innovation Expert
WHO, World Bank, European Commission, UNICEF, Healthcare Industry
Chairs Afternoon Address


The role of the SME and Innovation to the NHS

Neil Roberts
Managing Director
Science & Engineering Health Technologies Alliance (SEHTA)

As a market the NHS frequently appears dominated by leading corporations, often with poor reception for SME’s - so it’s important to understand the role and position of SME’s in developing innovation and driving adoption. The presentation will focus on the ‘How to’ elements that are key to a successful SME based approach.


Listening in and changing practice – Lessons learnt from our experience of proactive clinical assurance of remote GP COVID-19 consultations

Dr Kathy Smith
GP Medical Lead and Medical Examiner
NHS SCW and Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Trust

We share lessons learnt from our programme of auditing nearly 6000 remote GP consultations conducted as part of the National COVID-19 Response Services.

In this era of increasing use of remote consultations and increasing digital health care, we share our experience of adapting existing (pre-pandemic) clinical assurance tools to achieve clinical assurance of post-pandemic remote health care.  We believe our programme of both audio and notes review of a remote GP consultations can improve patient safety, quality of care and provide critical and timely feedback to organizations on the frontline use of new technology serving as adjuncts to the remote clinical encounter.


Q&A Panel

Q&A Panel


End of Day

End of Day

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County