A Framework for Health & Wellbeing: NHS Workforce Congress

Workforce & Care Integration

08:00 am
18 Sep, 2019
Etc.Venues London

A Framework for Health & Wellbeing: NHS Workforce Congress

Workforce & Care Integration

08:00 am
18 Sep, 2019
Etc.Venues London

A Framework for Health & Wellbeing: NHS Workforce Congress

Following on from a highly successful and well-followed congress back in March we are pleased to share details of our Framework for Health & Wellbeing: NHS Workforce Congress

Public Health England states NHS staff absence due to reduced health costs the NHS around £2.4bn a year. It is more important than ever that NHS workplaces become environments that enable staff to make choices that support positive wellbeing. The NHS depends on having a healthy and productive workforce to deliver high-quality patient care.

NHS Employers alongside NHS England and NHS Improvement have launched a new Health and Wellbeing Framework for the NHS.

The framework is an interactive document that makes a case for staff health and wellbeing, sets out clear, actionable steps and guides how organisations can plan and deliver a staff health and wellbeing plan.

A diagnostic tool has been created to support the implementation of the framework and help organisations identify critical areas of focus when planning or improving a health and wellbeing programme.

The framework focuses on:

Organisational enablers – the essential leadership, structural, and cultural building blocks for improving staff health and wellbeing. This includes leadership and management, data and communication and healthy working environments. Health interventions – the core health areas to focus support for staff, this has been informed by research on the leading causes of absence due to poor health from NHS organisations.

There is no single answer for how NHS organisations can solve the challenge of improving staff health and wellbeing. While there is a lot of useful advice and guidance, this isn’t always accessible or easy for NHS organisations to use effectively.

The Framework, supporting information and the Diagnostic Tool has been created to help people working in all NHS organisations plan and implement their approach to improving staff health and wellbeing.

In a fast-changing healthcare environment, with a growing and ageing population, the task of ensuring that the workforce has the skills, knowledge and time to care is essential to future-proofing the NHS and its ability to meet patients’ needs.

The Framework for Health & Wellbeing: NHS Workforce Congress will take you on an informative and current journey through the latest plans that have been set in place to overcome the current demand and challenges faced by the NHS workforce.

Key event themes:

  •  The NHS Workforce Strategy Framework
  • Leadership & Management development
  • Culture Change
  • Occupational Health
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Digital Workforce

The Framework for Health & Wellbeing: NHS Workforce Congress will promote the power of networking, with 200 like-minded public-sector professionals in attendance our events will allow you to meet and engage with peers within your area of expertise from across the UK.

Benefits of attending:

  •  Listen, learn and engage with industry-leading speakers.
  • Input directly to the discussions and panel debate sessions.
  • Gain 8 CPD Points.
  • Engage directly with over 200 of your peers from across the UK.
  • Network with ten thought-leading commercial sector solution providers.
  • All food and refreshments are provided.

Research sources: *The NHS Long Term Plan, *NHS Improvement.org

The programme


Registration, Networking & Breakfast


Chair Marina Glasgow (Confirmed) Director East of England at Acas


Nick Pahl
Society of Occupational Medicine
Nick Pahl (Confirmed) CEO at Society of Occupational Medicine “The value of occupational health to the NHS workforce” A review of the evidence as to how occupational health services improve the health of the NHS workforce, help prevent work-related illnesses, provide early interventions for those who develop a health condition (thus preventing avoidable sickness absence) and increase the NHS’s efficiency.


Professor Dame Carol Black
Principal of Newnham College Cambridge and Expert Adviser on Health and Work
NHS England and Public Health England
Dame Carol Black , DBE, FRC (Confirmed) Principal of Newnham College “Creating Wellbeing and Health in the Workforce.” This presentation will discuss the journey towards the Health and Wellbeing Framework for Staff in the NHS. It will emphasise the primacy of Leadership, Board Engagement and Managerial Capability in creating a Good Workplace, a strain-reducing culture, and positive Mental Health.


Claudia Pagliari
Director of Global eHealth
The University of Edinburgh
Claudia Pagliari (Confirmed) Director of Global eHealth at The University of Edinburgh “Building the digital workforce” Benefits to the NHS from better use of HR Information Management systems in healthcare and the Ethical implications of employee monitoring and analytics


Main Sponsor Stephen Crawley (Confirmed) Chief Operating Officer, Skills Training UK “How to maximise your Apprenticeship Levy for workforce development” Case Studies will show how Apprenticeships Standards are being embraced by Skills Training UK’s NHS partners and their employees and how they are helping to meet goals for workforce development and individual employee progression. Stephen will talk about how the Apprenticeship Levy can be used to fund innovative training plans, and how Trusts can use the 25% Levy Transfer option to assist local Primary Care providers.


Q & A


Morning Break, Networking & Refreshments


Chair Marina Glasgow (Confirmed) Director East of England at Acas


Case Study Steve Lucas and Ian Carr (Confirmed) CEO at Clarity Workforce Technology and Associate Director at Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust “How Clarity transformed Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust medical staff bank.” Our partnership with Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust (MYHT) – one that’s yielded significant benefits – is one of our proudest achievements to date. Here we share the story of that partnership so far.


Natalie Gardner
Medical Support Officer in the British Army Reserves
335 Medical Evacuation Regiment.
Case Study 2Lt Natalie Gardner (Confirmed) Medical Support Officer in the British Army Reserves with 335 Medical Evacuation Regiment. Joint Medical Group “From Clinician to Leader, a Reservists story” The NHS is fantastic at developing top class clinicians in all sectors, but leadership on the clinical frontline can be difficult to establish. During this talk we explore the potential effect of military leadership training on NHS clinicians, and how the Reservist role could be beneficial to all parties.


Cat Drew
Chief Design Officer
Design Council
Cat Drew (Confirmed) Chief Design Officer at Design Council “Design for Workforce Wellbeing?” How can good graphic design reduce violence in A&E? Cat Drew will share the importance of design and engagement in staff wellbeing, retention, making sure that as much attention is put into designing services for the people running them as it is to those using them, how by involving staff in developing services can meet both those aims.


Jon Cummins
Group Commerical Director
Learning Curve Group
Case Study Jon Cummins (Confirmed) Group Commercial Director at Learning Curve Group “Maximising available Government funds for skills development” Jon will explain through case studies how Learning Curve Group support a number of NHS Trusts with their training development strategy and how they access over £20m of Government funds aimed at upskilling current and potential NHS employees. Hear about the successful implementation of these schemes and the key take-aways that will help you make savings and implement an effective training process.


Q & A


Lunch & Networking


Chair Marina Glasgow (Confirmed) Director East of England at Acas


Richard Peachey
Case Study Richard Peachey and Sue Kennard (Confirmed) Head of Business Development at CMP and Head of Service – Employee Wellbeing Service at Barts Health NHS Trust “Conversational Intelligence to promote workplace Wellbeing”


Daniel Taylor
Business Development Manager
Case Study Daniel Taylor (Confirmed) Business Development Manager at Collabco “Enabling productivity through enhanced communication and digitalisation” What is a digital workplace and why should you adopt a digital workplace strategy? Digital transformation represents an opportunity for improving productivity growth by enabling innovation and reducing the costs of a range of business processes. Come and join our discussion on transforming your employee experience


Dr Olivia Donnelly
Consultant Clinical Pyschologist
North Bristol NHS Trust
Dr Olivia Donnelly and Dr Hazel O’Dowd (Confirmed) Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Lead for Psychology and Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Lead for Psychology at North Bristol NHS Trust “Shifting from ‘what’s the matter?’ to ‘what matters?’ – bringing meaning into workplace wellbeing” Healthcare staff often work in settings that are complex, dynamic, unpredictable and challenging. Traditional approaches to wellbeing can focus on reducing distress as the primary aim, yet there is increasing evidence that approaches based on clarifying personal values, and taking active steps towards ‘what matters’ can help people flourish within healthcare settings. We will explore the value of bringing ‘what matters to you’ conversations to the forefront of staff wellbeing, across all levels of healthcare organisations, including sharing preliminary outcomes from a programme we offer at North Bristol NHS Trust.


Professor Gail Kinman
Professor of Occupational Health Psychology
University of Bedfordshire
Professor Gail Kinman (Confirmed) Professor of Occupational Health Psychology and Director of the Research Centre for Applied Psychology “Mental Health of Doctors” Healthcare staff are at considerable risk of mental health problems and burnout. This presentation draws on the findings of a recent review of the mental health of doctors to discuss the risk factors and the wide-ranging implications. Multi-level interventions with potential to improve mental health and wellbeing in doctors, and healthcare staff in general, are also considered.


Dr Shriti Pattani
National Clinical Expert Occupational Health and Wellbeing, NHSE Clinical Director, Occupational Health and Wellbeing
NHS England
Dr. Shriti Pattani (Confirmed) Chair of NHS Health at Work Network and Clinical Director, Occupational Health Department LNWH “Health and Wellbeing: The role of Occupational Health” This presentation focuses on the opportunities and challenges of delivering a Health and Wellbeing programme in the NHS at a time of intensive demand and staff shortages. The role that Occupational Health can play in supporting their Trust in delivering the programme and how the NHS Health At Work Network can assist your OH team.


Q & A, Prize Give Away, Refreshments & Close of Day

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