2nd Healthcare Digital Technology Congress: Health systems for a global market

Technology & Innovation

08:30 am
06 Nov, 2018
Etc.Venues London

2nd Healthcare Digital Technology Congress: Health systems for a global market

Technology & Innovation

08:30 am
06 Nov, 2018
Etc.Venues London

2nd Healthcare Digital Technology Congress: Health systems for a global market

In November 2018 The Convenzis Group have developed a 1-day conference that will take a look at how the National Health Service is currently harnessing and adopting technology. The event will shine a light on how technology can drive productivity and slash budget spending.

Events key topics:

  • The Global Digital Exemplars
  • Local Digital Roadmaps
  • Digital Maturity Assessments
  • GDPR Compliance
  • The New Clinical Digital Council / Role & Aims
  • 5 Year Forward View / Next Steps
  • Paper Free at the point of care

The Deputy Chair of the new Clinical Digital Council argues that for effective digital health services and systems to succeed across the NHS, we need agreed digital health standards which cover evidence, regulation and clinical safety:

The global market for digital health is expected to reach almost £43billion by 2018 and £408billion by 2025.

Health IT systems represent the largest market both globally and, in the UK, where they contribute 66 per cent of digital health sales. But the most promising market for growth is mobile health with sales of apps and wearables predicted to increase by 35 per cent in the UK by 2018.

Join us at our 2nd Healthcare Digital Technology Congress to gain first-hand insight into the plans that have been set in place to ensure the NHS is driving towards being a world leader in harnessing healthcare technology, you will get the chance to listen, learn & engage with some of the most well followed and reputable speakers in the country.

We look forward to meeting you on the day.

Who will Attend

  • Chief Information Officers
  • Chief Technology Officers
  • Clinical Directors/Heads/Managers/Leads
  • Commissioning Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Communications Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Digital Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Digital Inclusion Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Digital Strategy Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Engagement Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Governance Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Informatics Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Information Assurance Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Information Management Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Innovation Directors/Heads/Managers
  • IT Directors/Heads/Managers
  • IT Security Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Medical Directors
  • Performance Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Policy Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Procurement Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Programme/Project Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Service Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Strategic Planning Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Transformation Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Web Directors/Heads/Managers

The programme


Registration, Networking and Breakfast


Dr Liz Mear
Chief Executive
Innovation Agency
Chair Dr Liz Mear (Confirmed) Chief Executive, Innovation Agency AHSNs work with partners across England to achieve adoption and spread of innovation. Liz Mear will showcase a number of digital innovations that have been successfully deployed and give examples of where AHSNs are supporting digital transformation in their region.


Professor Daniel Ray
Director of Data (DSP, Analytics, Insights, Statistics, and Research Enablement)
NHS Digital
Professor Daniel Ray (Confirmed) Director of Data at NHS Digital “DSP, Analytics, Insights, Statistics, and Research Enablement”


Dr Phil Koczan
Digital Clinical Champion Team, Clinical Advisor
NHS England
Dr Phil Koczan (Confirmed) Digital Clinical Champion Team, Clinical Advisor at NHS England “Patient Online”


Scott Sommerville
Stabilisation Director
East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
Scott Sommerville and Jessica Bradshaw (Confirmed) Stabilisation Director at East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust and Managing Partner at Channel 3 Consulting “Digital transformation: Why it’s not about the technology”


Main Sponsor Ian Browning (Confirmed) Alliance Manager at Jamf “Improving productivity with Apple and Jamf” Jamf have been helping organisations succeed with Apple for over 15 years. Specialising on the Apple platform has allowed us to become the best in class solution for Apple Device Management. Utilising some new and exciting features, during this session you will find out how Jamf are helping healthcare organisations that are looking for better ways to improve patient experience through managing Apple devices and automating workflows.




Morning Break, Networking and Refreshments


Chair Dr Liz Mear (Confirmed) Chief Executive, Innovation Agency “Working with innovators from industry and academia. Increasing economic growth”


Dr Liz Mear
Chief Executive
Innovation Agency
Case Study David Taylor (Confirmed) Managing Director – Middle East & Asia “The Impact of Digital Technology on Healthcare Staffing” Synopsis: A presentation highlighting how digital technology is having a significant impact on the way healthcare facilities should be staffed. With a hospital operating budget spending around 50% on personnel, the way in which we should be approaching how we staff a facility, or a group of facilities needs to change. Digital technology is allowing us to think differently about this critical area.


Steve Reggione
Head of Operations
Case Study Steve Reggione, (Confirmed) Head of Operations at JAC “Medicines Management as a driver for digital change” Prescribing is the most significant intervention for the majority of patients and represents the largest spend of the NHS budget. JAC will share examples where medicines management using digital technologies not only increases a hospital’s digital maturity, but patient safety, outcome and positive care experience are also increased.


James Freed
Deputy Director of the Digital Academy for Health and Care
NHS England
James Freed (Confirmed) Chief Information Officer at Health Education England “Supporting the workforce to become fit for the future” The role of the board in setting a change positive culture The role of digital experts as champions and educators The changing demands (and expectations) of the health and care workforce Presenting the research and work of the national Building a Digital Ready Workforce programme for the health and care system.


David Bell
Project Director (CAMHS and Single EPR)
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
Case Study David Bell, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (Confirmed) “Developing a Change Model and Underpinning with PMO Technology” Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust is large healthcare provider with 6,000+ staff, supplying a complex range of community and hospital services to a population of 1.1 million people. On any given day it has about 166,000 active patients on its caseload and has a large programme of continuous service improvement. David will explain how the Trust has developed a corporate change model, supported by training and underpinned by PMO technology supplied by Cora Systems.




Dinner, Networking and Lunch


Chair Dr Liz Mear (Confirmed) Chief Executive, Innovation Agency “Working with innovators from industry and academia. Increasing economic growth”


Dr Amanda Begley
Co-Founder and Programme Director
the NHS Innovation Accelerator
Dr Amanda Begley (Confirmed) Co-Founder and Programme Director at National Innovation Accelerator ‘Enabling the spread of digital innovation: real-world insight from the NHS Innovation Accelerator’ Dr Amanda Begley, Co-Founder and National Director of the NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) will share some of the real-world learnings from this national accelerator – delivered in partnership with NHS England and England’s 15 AHSNs. This will include key findings from the NIA’s year one evaluation as to the common conditions for success in innovation scaling; and the barriers and enablers to spreading digital innovation, harnessing real-world insight from NIA Fellows.


Nick O’Reilly
Chief Technology Officer
Nick O’Reilly (Confirmed) Chief Technology Officer at NHS Business Services Authority “Cloud Adoption, Reflection on some Challenges to overcome” Cloud first as a strategy is the easy part, cloud adoption is worth the challenge. The presentation will reflect on two cloud journeys covering the challenges of finance (capital vs revenue); legacy application, risk aversion, cloud security, choice of cloud and migration inertia


Dr Masood Ahmed
Chief Digital Information Officer
NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin
Dr Masood Ahmed (Confirmed) Chief Digital Officer (CDO) at Health Innovation Network “AI in Healthcare Innovation”


Alan Davies MBA
Director of Innovative Programmes and Partnerships
Health Education England
Alan Davies (Confirmed) Director of Digital Health & NW Coast region Digital Expert Group – Chair at Innovation Agency “Digitally Enabled New Models of Care” Digital technologies have the potential to enable the transformation of health and care. There is no doubt in my mind that the impact could be revolutionary and reach across the entire spectrum of health and care around the globe


Hugo Mathias
CIO & Director of IT
Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust
Hugo Mathias (Confirmed) Chief Information Officer & Director of Technology & Information Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust “Healthcare Management”


Close of Day

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County