10th NHS Radiology Summit: Transforming NHS Radiology Innovation, Workforce, and Future Directions

Diagnostics & Sciences

09:00 am
26 Sep, 2024
15 Hatfields Conference Centre, London SE1 8DJ

10th NHS Radiology Summit: Transforming NHS Radiology Innovation, Workforce, and Future Directions

Diagnostics & Sciences

09:00 am
26 Sep, 2024
15 Hatfields Conference Centre, London SE1 8DJ

Current Landscape and Challenges:

The NHS radiology sector is facing critical challenges, primarily driven by workforce shortages and the need for technological advancements. This event will address these pressing issues, highlighting the innovative solutions being implemented to tackle workforce shortfalls and the integration of cutting-edge technologies to enhance diagnostic accuracy and efficiency.

Timeliness and Importance:

As the NHS navigates through the complexities of modern healthcare, the timely discussion of these challenges and solutions is crucial. With the growing demand for radiology services and the rapid evolution of technology, this event provides a platform for stakeholders to explore and shape the future of radiology practices within the NHS.

Key Content Streams:

Workforce Crisis and Solutions:

  • Keynote Presentation: Addressing workforce shortages, technological advancements, and future policies in radiology.
  • Panel Discussion: Delving into retention and recruitment strategies, training enhancements, and the role of policy changes in addressing the staffing crisis.

Technological Integration:

  • Interview Session: Exploring the role of AI in transforming NHS radiology, discussing current uses, challenges, and future directions.
  • Case Studies: Presenting real-world examples of technological integration in diagnostic services, showcasing improvements in efficiency and patient outcomes.

Laboratory and Radiology Synergy:

  • Keynote Presentation: Highlighting the critical role of laboratories in modern healthcare, focusing on their collaboration with radiology services and the impact of technological innovations.

Cross-sector Innovation:

  • Panel Discussion: Providing insights into the future landscape of radiology services, covering AI, machine learning, healthcare policy, and data analytics.

By attending, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to drive innovation and efficiency in NHS radiology, ultimately improving healthcare outcomes for patients.

Headline Sponsor

Key Subjects

  • Workforce Crisis and Solutions
  • Technological Integration
  • Laboratory and Radiology Synergy
  • Cross-sector Innovation


Who will Attend

  • Chief Technology Officers
  • Consultant Radiographers
  • Consultant/Senior Surgeons
  • Clinical Directors/Heads/Managers/Leads
  • Commissioning Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Consultant Radiologists
  • Directors/Heads of Radiology
  • Engagement Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Governance Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Heads/Directors of Pathology
  • Heads/Senior Radiographers
  • Informatics Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Information Management Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Innovation Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Medical Imaging Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Radiology Services Manager
  • Procurement Directors/Heads/Managers
  • Service Directors/Heads/Managers


Sponsors & Partners

The programme


Registration and Breakfast

Registration - Open from 9:00 am - Closes at 11:00 am

All delegates must complete their registration process before the 11:00 AM cut-off time. Please arrive in a timely manner to allow for registration and to avoid any inconvenience. Delegates who arrive after the registration deadline will be refused entry to the event.

We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain the event's schedule and ensuring that everyone can fully participate in the Radiology Conference. If you have any questions or require assistance, our event staff will be available to assist you with the registration process.

Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to an insightful and productive event together!


Chair Opening Address

Chair Opening Address


Keynote Presentation: Sheila Black, the Head of Imaging Transformation at NHS England (Invited)

Transforming NHS Radiology: Tackling Workforce Shortages, Embracing Technology, and Shaping Future Policies


This session will explore the pressing challenges faced by NHS radiologists, including critical workforce shortages and the innovative solutions being implemented to address them. It will delve into the latest technological advancements, such as AI and digital platforms, that are enhancing diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. Additionally, the session will provide insights into recent policy trends and future developments impacting radiology practices and patient care within the NHS.


Addressing the Radiology Workforce Crisis: Strategies for Tackling the Staffing Shortfall in the NHS Panel Discussion

Mr Chris Sleight MSc BSc FIBMS
Chief Officer
Greater Manchester Diagnostics Network
  • Sheila Black, the Head of Imaging Transformation at NHS England (Invited)
  • Elaine Quick, GIRFT Radiology Advisor, NHSE (Invited)
  • Chris Sleight, Chief Officer - Greater Manchester Imaging & Pathology Networks -Greater Manchester Provider Federation Board (Confirmed)
  • Dr. Amrish Mehta, Chief Officer for the North West London Imaging Network, Clinical Director for Imaging at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (Invited)

The interactive panel session will focus on identifying the root causes of the staffing crisis, including retention issues and training gaps, and will explore innovative solutions to these challenges. Panelists will discuss:

  • Retention and Recruitment: Strategies to retain current radiologists and attract new talent to the field​
  • Training and Education: Enhancing training programs and leveraging new technologies to upskill radiographers​
  • Policy and Collaboration: The role of policy changes and interdisciplinary collaboration in mitigating the workforce crisis​

Attendees will gain actionable insights into how to navigate the workforce challenges and ensure the sustainability and efficiency of radiology services within the NHS.


Main Sponsor - Managed Healthcare Services

Main Sponsor - Managed Healthcare Services


Morning Break

Morning Break


Chair Morning Reflection

Chair Morning Reflection


Case Study - Exponential-e

Case Study - Exponential-e


Case - Xytal

Case Study - Xytal


Interview session: Dr. Bernie Croal, President of the Royal College of Pathologists (Invited)

Transforming Diagnostics: The Role of AI in NHS Radiology with Dr. Bernie Croal


Join us for an engaging fireside interview with Dr. Bernie Croal, President of the Royal College of Pathologists, as he shares his insights on the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in NHS radiology.

Dr. Croal will discuss the integration of AI technologies in diagnostic processes, highlighting how these innovations can enhance diagnostic accuracy, reduce patient wait times, and improve overall healthcare outcomes. 

Key topics will include:

  • The Current State of AI in Radiology: An overview of how AI is currently being used within the NHS to support radiologists and improve diagnostic services.
  • Challenges and Opportunities: Exploring the main challenges faced in the adoption of AI in radiology and the opportunities it presents for healthcare professionals and patients.
  • Future Directions: Dr. Croal’s vision for the future of AI in radiology and pathology, including the necessary steps to ensure successful and safe integration of these technologies into clinical practice.
  • Policy and Investment: Insights into the policy changes and investments required to support the expansion of AI in NHS diagnostic services.

This session promises to provide valuable perspectives on the future of radiology, making it a must-attend for professional’s keen on understanding the impact of AI on their field and preparing for the innovations that lie ahead.


Case Study

Case Study


Networking and Lunch

Networking and Lunch


Chair Afternoon Address

Chair Afternoon Address


Case Study

Case Study


Keynote Presentation: Dr. Ellie Dow, Consultant in Biomedical Medicine & Dr. Tim James, head biomedical scientist in the Clinical Biochemistry Department at the John Radcliffe Hospital (Invited)

The Vital Role of Laboratories in Modern Healthcare: Enhancing Radiology through Innovation


This session will highlight the indispensable role laboratories play in modern healthcare, with a particular focus on their integration and synergy with radiology services. Featuring insights from Dr. Ellie Dow and Dr. Tim James, the presentation will cover the following key topics:

  • Integration of Laboratory and Radiology Services: Understanding how laboratories and radiology departments collaborate to enhance diagnostic accuracy and patient care.
  • Technological Innovations: Exploring cutting-edge technologies in laboratory and radiology settings, including AI and advanced imaging techniques, that are revolutionizing diagnostic processes.
  • Efficiency and Accuracy in Diagnostics: How modern laboratories contribute to more efficient workflows and accurate diagnoses, reducing turnaround times and improving patient outcomes.
  • Case Studies and Best Practices: Real-world examples of successful integration between laboratories and radiology departments, demonstrating improved healthcare delivery and patient satisfaction.
  • Future Directions: A look at the future of laboratory and radiology integration, focusing on emerging trends and innovations that will continue to drive healthcare excellence.

This presentation promises to provide valuable insights into the critical interplay between laboratories and radiology in modern healthcare, showcasing how


Case Study

Case Study


Cross-sector Innovation Panel Discussion

Panellists TBC

This session will bring together experts from the fields of technology, healthcare policy, and data analytics to provide a cross-sector analysis of the current and future landscape of radiology services.

Attendees will gain insights into how advancements in AI and machine learning, digital health transformations, and supportive healthcare policies can address the critical challenges faced by radiologists today. The panel will explore:

  • Technological Innovations: How AI and machine learning are revolutionizing diagnostic accuracy and operational efficiency in radiology.
  • Healthcare Policy: The impact of healthcare policies on radiology services and the importance of supportive policies for technological integration.
  • Data Analytics: The role of data analytics in improving patient outcomes and service efficiency in radiology.

By leveraging cross-sector expertise, this session aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how radiology services can evolve to meet future healthcare demands.

This diverse lineup of speakers will offer valuable perspectives that extend beyond the traditional radiology sector, enriching the discussion with innovative ideas and practical solutions.


Canapés, Drinks and Networking

Canapés, Drinks and Networking


End of Day

End of Day


Your Pass Includes....

Pass Includes:

  • Multiple live keynote presentations
  • Live examples of both NHS and Commercial best practice
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Refreshments included
  • Meet the supplier sessions.
  • Networking opportunity
  • Live Q&A sessions with all speakers on the day
  • Drinks receptions (subject to event)
  • CPD accreditation
  • Prize draws

Tickets For NHS Senior Managers

We have an invite only option for NHS Senior Managers for our conference, to see if you qualify for a complimentary place please click the button below.

Register your place

Book tickets

Charity, Not for Profit and University (In-Person)
£203.99 excl VAT
Unlimited Places
Private Sector (In-Person)
£500.00 excl VAT
Unlimited Places
Free NHS Ticket
£0.00 No VAT
Limited Places

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Faculty of Clinical Informatics
Stockport County