The Future of Personalised Care Conference: Measuring Success

Primary care, Mental Health & Long-Term Care

08:30 am
25 Feb, 2025
15Hatfields Conference Centre, London SE1 8DJ

The Future of Personalised Care Conference: Measuring Success

Primary care, Mental Health & Long-Term Care

08:30 am
25 Feb, 2025
15Hatfields Conference Centre, London SE1 8DJ

Job titles includes

Director of Operations

Programme manager for personalised care

Service Development and Transformation Lead - Frailty

Professional Lead for Co-Production and Involvement

Programme Lead for Long Term Conditions

National Director

Deputy Director for Talking Therapies

Progrmmme Manager

Project Manager

Delegates Registered

Organisations Involved

Pathways CIC

Wessex cancer alliance


Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust

SE London ICS

Year of Care NHS




NHS services in the UK are currently facing some of their biggest challenges to date, driven by unprecedented demand for services; some of the longest-ever waiting times for appointments, diagnosis and treatment; and increasing workforce shortages. This event will discuss ways that we can use personalised care approaches to tackle some of these challenges.

Personalised care was a key part of the NHS Long Term Plan published in 2019, and since then has remained a consistent feature in NHS policies, such as the Major Conditions strategy and the Long-Term Workforce Plan. Personalised care has been shown to increase patient satisfaction with the quality of care they receive and increase staff satisfaction with the quality of care they provide. For patients, this often means less need for a GP appointment or emergency department support.  For staff, this means an increase in retention in post.  

This event will provide a platform for stakeholders to explore how personalised care achieves these dual outcomes, and to discuss ways to implement personalised care approaches within their services.

Whilst there has been a lot of work done to date to embed personalised care, this work is not complete. We need to look to the future, how we are to measure personalised care, and the most appropriate way to do so. We need to explore lived experience and embrace the complexity of personalised care and approaches to understand this.

Looking to the future and the digital landscape poses the question of how we align personalised care and digital health. With so many new and emerging areas we aim to provide discussion and identify opportunities for the future.

Key Content Streams

Exploring Personalised Care:

  • Keynote Presentation: An overview of what personalised care is, why it is important and the future of personalised care.
  • Case Study: Presenting real-world examples of showcasing Personalised Care in clinical practice.

Measuring outcomes in Personalised Care:

  • A discussion considering how we measure personalised care and what we mean by success.

Fireside Interview - Lived Experience of Personalised Care:

  • Conversation between a person with lived experience, who is also a healthcare professional to consider personalised care in practice and the future.
  • Links to the importance of integration of services.

Role of Technology and Innovation in Personalised Care:

  • A panel discussion involving digital leaders on how digital can influence personalised care

Who will attend this event:

  • Doctors from all clinical specialities, including GP’s
  • Allied Health Professionals 
  • Personalised care roles 
  • Practice Managers / Primary Care Network leads

Sponsors & Partners

The programme


Registration & Networking

Registration & Networking


Introduction to the day

Dr Emma Hyde
Clinical Director
Personalised Care Institute
Dr Jenni Naisby
Clinical Support Fellow
Personalised Care Institute

Introduction to the day

Dr Emma Hyde, Clinical Director, Personalised Care Institute (Confirmed)

Dr Jenni Naisby, Clinical Support Fellow, Personalised Care Institute (Confirmed)


Personalised care - Past, Present & Future (Confirmed)

Alf Collins
Freelance Health Consultant
  • An overview of personalised care
  • Learning from the past
  • An uncertain future


Providing personalised care for people with multiple long-term conditions

Associate Professor Rachel Johnson
Associate Professor of Primary Care
University of Bristol

People with multiple long-term health conditions often have reviews in general practice for each of their conditions in isolation, resulting in consultations with lots of different health professionals and fragmented care which doesn't necessarily meet the patients' real needs. We have previously shown that a 'whole-person' review (instead of separate disease-focused reviews) can improve patients' experience of personalised care, but there are barriers to implementing this approach.  We worked with 16 general practices in three areas to help them introduce personalised whole-person reviews, comparing them with 16 similar control practices, and explored how to overcome the difficulties, as well as the benefits of personalised reviews for patients and practices


Making personalised care a priority: A campaign for change

Leigh Greenwood
Managing Director
Evergreen PR

With the NHS currently under immense pressure, there have been signs over the last 12 months that personalised care is being de-prioritised right when it is most needed. A new campaign by the Personalised Care Institute – devised with Evergreen PR - aims to reverse that.

This presentation will lift the lid on the background of the campaign, why it matters and how attendees can support it.


Morning Break

Morning Break


Welcome Back

Dr Emma Hyde
Clinical Director
Personalised Care Institute
Dr Jenni Naisby
Clinical Support Fellow
Personalised Care Institute

Welcome Back

Dr Emma Hyde, Clinical Director, Personalised Care Institute (Confirmed)

Dr Jenni Naisby, Clinical Support Fellow, Personalised Care Institute (Confirmed)


Measuring Outcomes In Personalised Care Panel

Professor Chris Salisbury
Emeritus Professor of Primary Health Care
University of Bristol
Mari Carmen Portillo
Professor of Long-Term Conditions at the University of Southampton &
The Long-Term Conditions Theme Lead for the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Wessex
Alf Collins
Freelance Health Consultant

This panel will pose a question to the concerning measuring personalised care and considerations for how we may go about this. Audience participation is welcomed throughout this interactive panel discussion.


  • Professor Alf Collins former Clinical Director, Personalised Care Group, NHS England (Confirmed)
  • Professor Chris Salisbury, Emeritus Professor of Primary Health Care, University of Bristol (Confirmed)
  • Professor Mari Carmen Portillo, Professor of Long Term Conditions Health Sciences, University of Southampton (Confirmed)



Presentation - Using the Year of Care approach to deliver person centred care for people with People with Long Term Conditions (Confirmed)

Ms Lindsay Oliver
National Director
NHS Year of Care Partnerships

The Year of Care approach has proven to be effective in changing systems of care so that people with long term conditions can have more meaningful and productive conversations with healthcare professionals, which in turn enable them to live with and manage their own conditions more confidently. We are committed to supporting healthcare professionals through training and sharing learning so they develop the ethos and skills associated with personalised care, alongside facilitating system changes for this approach to become embedded.  In this presentation we will give a brief overview of the principles of Year of Care and how it works in practice.


Evaluating Personalised Care across the system (Confirmed)

Personalised Care should be ‘business as usual’, but how are personalised approaches being implemented, and what needs to be done to improve this?  There are many tools available to evaluate personalised care practices, but few that are suitable for use across all health conditions, and personalised care interventions.  WASP have developed a tool for system-wide evaluation of personalised care, which captures the practice of frontline staff/clinicians, managers, and system leaders, as well as the experience of service users.  Having used this tool to support services over the past five years, WASP now have data from 58 services in the South of England, which show trends in practice and suggests where effort should be focused for improvement.     


Lunch & Networking

Lunch & Networking


Welcome Back

Dr Emma Hyde
Clinical Director
Personalised Care Institute
Dr Jenni Naisby
Clinical Support Fellow
Personalised Care Institute

Welcome Back

Dr Emma Hyde, Clinical Director, Personalised Care Institute (Confirmed)

Dr Jenni Naisby, Clinical Support Fellow, Personalised Care Institute (Confirmed)


Fireside interview – Lived experience of personalised care

Mr Daniel Fleshbourne
Mental health and wellbeing practitioner
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

This fireside interview will explore personalised care from the perspective of someone with both lived experience and working as a healthcare professional. Through this experience, we will explore the challenges and opportunities for personalised care in the future.


Embedding the Personalised Care Mindset Throughout Healthcare

Nicky Adair
Health Coaching Skills Trainer and Coach & Primary Care and Women’s Health Hub Programme Manager for Cornwall
Kernow Health CIC
Jake Wellings
Health Coaching Skills Trainer, Coach Supervisor & Systems & Business Consultant
Kernow Health CIC
Georgi Daluiso-King
Personalised Care Lead and Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner in MSK
Sussex MSK Health (Here and SCFT)

How do we truly measure the transformative impact of connection in care? This bold and thought-provoking session explores how personalising and humanising care makes us feel and challenges whether we can meaningfully capture its essence.  

  • Georgi Daluiso-King, Personalised Care Lead and Advanced Practitioner Physiotherapist in Sussex MSK Partnership Central (Confirmed)
  • Nicky Adair, Health Coaching Skills Trainer and Coach & Primary Care and Women’s Health Hub Programme Manager for Cornwall, Kernow Health CIC (Confirmed)
  • Jake Wellings, Health Coaching Skills Trainer, Coach Supervisor & Systems & Business Consultant, Kernow Health CIC (Confirmed)




Technology and innovation panel discussion

Dr Tahreema N Matin
Associate Medical Director & Consultant Radiologist
Workforce, Training & Education Directorate, NHS England
Dr Matthew Dolman
Complex Care GP, North Sedgemoor PCN , Somerset NHSE South West Clinical Lead Regional Digital Neighbourhood Programme
North Sedgemoor PCN NHSE SW
Frances Tippett
Coalition for Personalised Care

A statement focusing on digital health and personalised care will be posed to the panel to begin a discussion among the panel members and audience.  


  • Dr Matthew Dolman, Clinical lead digital team, NHSE South West (Confirmed)
  • Dr Tahreema N Matin, Associate Medical Director & Consultant Radiologist, Workforce, Training & Education Directorate, NHS England (Confirmed)
  • Frances Tippett, Chair, Coalition for Personalised Care (Confirmed)


Chairs closing remarks

Dr Emma Hyde
Clinical Director
Personalised Care Institute
Dr Jenni Naisby
Clinical Support Fellow
Personalised Care Institute

Chairs closing remarks


End of Day

End of Day


Your Pass Includes....

  • Access to a leading conference speaker programme
  • Interactive Q&A sessions
  • Fireside interviews
  • Cross-sector best practice
  • Meet the supplier opportunities
  • Hot breakfast & Lunch included
  • Access to post event drinks reception and Street food

Tickets For NHS Senior Managers

We have an invite only option for NHS Senior Managers for our conference, to see if you qualify for a complimentary place please click the button below.

Register your place

Our accreditations

abpco 2021
Manchester Bee
CPD Member
Living Wage Member
Good Employment - Sponsor
Good Employment - Member
Armed Forces Covenant
Tech UK
Ban The Box
Stockport County