The programme
Registration, Networking & Exhibition
Collect your conference pass, browse the exhibition stands and network with fellow delegates from across the UK's health and care digital and data community
Chris Graham, Non-Executive Director, PRSB
Keynote - The power of data to transform care and health
- Professor Vic Rayner OBE, CEO, National Care Forum
Integrating health and social care data gives us the opportunity to change the narrative. We can be proactive and tackle challenges through new insights, and an increasingly rich understanding of which models of care and interventions deliver the best outcomes for people. Hear about the power of data to transform outcomes for individuals and communities, and why data standards must be co-designed if we are to maximise integration and harmonisation.
From silos to synergy: unlocking the potential of federated data
- Bruno Botelho, Deputy COO & Director of Digital Operations at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
By moving from silos to synergy, organizations can fully leverage their data assets to achieve their strategic goals. Unlocking the potential of federated data is crucical, in enabling organizations to break down barriers, improve data quality and consistency, enhance analytics and increase efficiency. It can also improve timeliness of data, privacy and security. Federated data is hugely significant and positive for the populations we serve and supports the entire ecosystem, in providing better patient outcomes.
Fireside chat - Innovation through standardisation: success stories from social care
Rebecca Hughes, Director of Partner Solutions, The PRSB
Katie Thorn, Project Lead, Digital Care Hub
- Carrie Taylor, Clinical Lead and Safety Officer, Nourish Care
Professor Vic Rayner OBE, CEO, National Care Forum
Becky, Carrie, Katie and Vic in conversation about how digital social care records have advanced at pace, the benefits to the sector and people using services – and importantly, the lessons health can learn from trailblazers in social care especially in light of forthcoming legislation, which will mandate standards onto IT system suppliers as well as providers of health and care services.
Coffee, Exhibition and Networking
Bridging the information gap and reducing friction across health, social care and beyond
Jardine Barrington Cook
Director of Integrated Care
The Access Group
Laura Thompson
Head of Marketing
Access Group
Case Study - Access HSC
A practical look at how we can make interoperable systems, and display complex information in a way that is quick and easy to understand, helping busy staff deliver the best care. How this can benefit both users and citizens, giving dynamic, actionable insights and removing barriers within day to day processes.
Transforming diabetes care through data - a model for care and research in long-term conditions
Dr Neel Basudev, Clinical Director for Diabetes at the Health Innovation Network (South London) & Lead for Out Of Hospital Care for the London Diabetes Clinical Network
Maddie Julian, Cofounder/CEO, DigiBete
An overview of the pivotal importance of data and data standards in diabetes care, using gestational diabetes as an exemplar. Presenting the case for better recognition and management, alongside improvement work happening in South London.
Panel - Navigating the digital frontier: closing the gap between potential and practice
Oliver Lake, Deputy CEO and Chief Operating Officer, The PRSB, to host panel
- Bruno Botelho, Deputy COO & Director of Digital Operations at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Dr Neel Basudev, Clinical Director for Diabetes at the Health Innovation Network (South London) & Lead for Out Of Hospital Care for the London Diabetes Clinical Network
- Doreen Tembo, Head of Public Involvement and Engagement, HDRUK
Claire Sutton, Non executive director, The PRSB, Transformational lead for the independent health and social care sector, Royal College of Nursing, Co-opted council member at the Faculty of Clinical Informatics
- Jocelyn Palmer, Programme Director, OneLondon
Why improving clinical system usability is fundamental for NHS survival
- Thomas Webb, Founder and CEO, Ethical Healthcare
The NHS desperately needs to improve productivity, and yet we also know that clinical systems, the primary tools that clinicians use all day every day, are not done well. There is a huge opportunity to improve efficiency, reduce burnout and improve clinical safety through improving usability of clinical systems. And the good news is that we know exactly how to do it.
Fireside chat - Improving lives through coordinated care
- Paul Targett, Managing Director, RIVIAM Digital Care Limited
- Hannah Gill, Senior Adviser, Local Government Association
- Claire Hopkins, Delivery Director, RIVIAM Digital Care Limited
- Denise Perrin, Project Manager B&NES Village Agents, WERN – West of England Rural Network
- Rebecca Hughes, Director of Partner Solutions, The PRSB
Exploring best practice in care coordination across health and care, including - Bath and North East Somerset's community wellbeing hub, through which hospital staff make patient referrals using a single online checklist to multiple community, housing and third sector providers; and track the delivery status of their discharge dependent referrals using a Care Control Dashboard, providing joined up care to meet a person's needs, however complex - The Local Government Association's work to support digital transformation in social care.
Personalised care standards: placing people at the heart of data-driven care - how to implement and what happens when you do
Samantha Bergin Goncalves
- Dr Nilesh Bharakhada, Executive Clinical Director, PRSB
- Samantha Bergin Goncalves, Parent Carer / Patient Representative
Presenting an overview of personalised care standards: - delivering better outcomes through the marrying of data with something personally meaningful for the patient. - a system perspective on efforts to support personalised care and support planning across different platforms to get to the vision of share-care planning across multiple care settings. - the life-changing impact of the right information available at the right time to the right person.
Getting the basics right: the primary/secondary care interface and transfers of care
David Hancock, Director and Vendor Co-Chair, INTEROPen
Rachel Woodcock, Senior Business Analyst and Implementation Lead, PRSB
The sharing of information between primary and secondary care, and all points of care delivery is vital to improve patient care, reduce costs and increase productivity. Everyone knows this so why is it so difficult to achieve?
The workforce information model: harnessing the power of integration and insight from your workforce data
Nick Armitage, Strategic Lead for Data and Insights: Research, Evaluation and Insights, Workforce, Training and Education, NHS England
Charlie McCay, PRSB Advisor
Trusted workforce data standards are fundamental to our ambitions for workforce productivity and the need for greater data driven decision making. Hear about work across England to support the roll out of the Digital Staff Passport, the NHS Staff App and Federated Data Platform (FDP) which focuses on driving interoperability across workforce systems and improvements for staff and patients.
Panel - Revolutionising health and care through data: from insights to impact - what needs to change?
Lorraine Foley, CEO, PRSB to host panel
- Paola Quattroni, Head of Alliance Strategy & Engagement, HDRUK
- Eleanor Platt, Senior Data Analyst, Digital Health and Care, Scottish Government
- Lisa Annaly, Head of Analytic Content, CQC
- Afzal Chaudhry, Non-executive Director, PRSB
- Nicola Hamilton, Head of Understanding Patient Data, Understanding Patient Data
Our closing panel, focusing on what needs to change at a larger scale, politically and in policy, to accelerate the revolution in health and care data.